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Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Printable Version

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Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Bzerkap - 05-31-2017

2405 Words

With the draft only a day away, Mat has decided to sit down with local reporters and answer any questions they have about him. Before we start however, May has prepared a statement to all the GMs and coaches.

"Hello everyone, I'll make this short and sweet because I know we have a lot of questions to get to. I just want to say that nobody will ever regret drafting me tomorrow. Football is my life; it's a game I've played since I was 8 years old and I've loved every second of it. I'm going to be the hardest working player on the practice field, in the weight room and in the film room. I know that the first step to winning on game day is putting your all in your preparation. I view myself as the best center in this draft and with hard work becoming one of the greatest of all time. However, I know a lot of teams will maybe view my talents differently and want to slot me somewhere else. That's fine with me, I'm willing to play anywhere on the line to help the team.

Thank you and let's open it up to some questions."

1. What do you look for when watching film?
I try to look for a lot of the little things on film. I look at hand placement, pad level and footwork. I really try to be a technician of the game because I know if I use the proper leverage, I'll be able to stonewall even the most athletically gifted lineman. I also try to look at the eyes of the lineman, to see what they're looking at pre-snap and try and get a feel for what they're reading. Pre-snap reads is also key to blocking, because if you know where they're coming from you'll know where to be.

2. What is your biggest strength on the field?
I would say my biggest strength is my preparation during the week. I really like to know the gameplan in and out and what blocks we are really trying to key on that week.

3. What is your biggest weakness in the field?
I would say my biggest weakness is actually my height. It gives me a nice frame but it also means I have to get a little lower than everyone else so the defensive lineman can't get his hands under my arms and throw me around like a rag doll.

4. Favourite exercise in the gym?
My favorite exercise is probably anything involving legs. I like to have a strong base so I can root into the ground like a tree.

5. What is your favourite animal?
Favorite animal would have to be the dolphin. They're insanely smart and, I know it sounds cheesy, but they have great teamwork in order to catch prey and live. It's something I try to emulate with my fellow olinemen, teamwork and communication.

What made you choose to be an Offensive Lineman?
To be honest I really wanted to start, and I saw there weren't a lot of players at the time I signed up. But, I also kind of like the idea of a lineman being this unsung hero that makes everyone on the team better. I like the idea of being a glue guy for the offense and allowing everyone to perform at peak.

Do you have any friends you could recruit to the site as a lineman brigade?
I do have some football friends, but I'm not too sure how interested they will be in a sim league. I'l test the waters and try and get them to join the OL.

Who is your favorite Saints offensive lineman?
Favorite current Saints lineman has to be Max Unger. He was the best part of the Jimmy Graham deal and we've had a great line ever since he came. All time would have to be Jahri Evans, just as this unheralded guy silently dominating RG for years. I'm a younger guy so I never saw Roaf or Turley play.

Who is your favorite Saints player in general?
I think it has to be Brees. There's just no going against a HOF QB that brought us a ring. Colston is a close second.

Which NFC South rival do you like the least?
Easily the Dirty Birds. Those dirty dirty birds. I hate em.

1. Favorite pre-game meal?
I think my favorite meal of all is just a nice steak with some peas and carrots. You just can't beat that. However, gameday is a little different for me. I like to go high carb for the energy throughout the day, so I usually eat some pasta with a lean protein like chicken.

2. Any pre-game traditions?
Yea actually, it's kind of stupid but hey it works for me. I bring a bag of M&Ms into the locker room with me but I toss out all of the brown, orange and yellow M&Ms. I don't know why but blue, green, and red go well together for me so I just eat those colors.

3. Do you play any other sports?
Not really anymore. It's all football all day now for me, but I used to play hockey, basketball, and wrestle in high school. I play some pickup games with my teammates every now and then, but mostly just football now.

4. Favorite music genre?
I like to listen to Indie Rock actually. Not really popular in the locker room, but there's an artist, Mac Demarco that I'm really digging right now. He's just got a nice vibe about him.

5. Projected Draft Position for yourself?
I'm realistic, offensive line isn't the sexiest position out there, so I know I won't go too early. However, I know there are some teams out there that value the importance of a good line so I'm hoping to be drafted in the 3rd, but probably going somewhere closer to the 5th round.

1. Which team logo do you like the most?
Probably the Yellowknife Wraiths. There's just something spooky about ghosts man.

2. On a scale of 1-10, how active of a player do you see yourself being?
I see myself being around a 7 in activity. I'll be engaged in the LR and earn as much TPE as I can, but this is also my first sim experience so I don't want to be overzealous with it.

3. What player do you look up to, or see yourself trying to be similar to?
Kevin Mawae was always my hero growing up. Part of the reason I went to LSU. Currently in the league I really try and emulate Zack Martin. He just does all of the little things well and I appreciate that.

4. What was your favorite experience while playing for LSU?
Probably before the citrus bowl last year. We ate a ton of wings. I really felt sick the next day but I couldn't wuss out. I think I ate around 50 wings myself. It was just a really fun time joking around with my teammates and letting loose.

5. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A hot dog is definitely not a sandwich. I'm not a sandwich purist but I feel like there's a reason they call it a hot dog and not a sausage sandwich.

How it was living in a small city?
It was really nice. I think each city has its own charm, and in a small town like Fertile knowing everyone was realy nice. Fertile was my whole life for the first eighteen years of my life, so it will always a have a great place in my heart. When I'm on the field, I play for my family and town back home.

From north to south - was it easy transition for you?
It was definitely difficult at first. There's a huge culture shift from a snowy place like Minnesota to the humid swamp of Louisiana. I also had no idea what the hell a crawfish was. My first year I was definitely missing home and almost felt like transferring to somewhere closer to home like UM. I stuck with it though and I'm really thankful I did. I met some of the greatest people int he world in my teammates and experienced a culture completely unlike my own. I really feel like an adopted son of Louisiana right now. I love the food, I love the people and I love that there's a party anywhere you go down here. Wherever I go and play my pro game I know I'll always bring a piece of Louisiana with me.

Do you mind to be drafted back to north by Yellowknife?
I would not mind it at all. I travelled to Canada a lot as a kid and I really like it up there. The cold isn't a problem for me, and I've had some good conversations with the coaching staff over there.

Do you except to be drafted high, despite you're not the most vocal player here?
I know I'm not vocal and some people may say that works against me, but I like to tell them to just watch the tape. I like to let my play speak for itself. All that being said, I expect to be drafted somewhere around 5 or 6 as I know the splashy players will probably be drafted first.

Do you imagine yourself as a defenseman at some time?
I've never really thought about it, but I will help the team any way I can. I believe my skillset translates well to a 5-technique DT in a 4-3 scheme. I'm not the most explosive player but my hand placement and technique would help me there.

What is your favourite training field drill?
I really like the steering drill. It helps me keep my base wide while moving my feet, and using my hands to move the defensive player around.

What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?
I really like to watch hockey. It reminds me of home and I like the fast pace and agression the players exhibit all the time.

Where is your favourite holiday location?
Favorite holiday location might be hiking and camping in Montana. There really isn't a much more beautiful place in the country. It's like going back in time to when animals roamed the great plains of america.

Who do you expect to be drafted higher? Irishman, Luke Tiernan or Scot Kieran O'Connell?
Personally I expect Tiernan to be drafted higher. I just have a lot of respect for power backs in football. I know how they can wear down opponents and keep going late in games. It's awesome to watch. I might be a little biased blocking for Fournette these past couple of years, but I'm ok with that.

What's your worst trait?
Like I answered before, my height is probably my worst trait. Personality wise though I guess I would say I hate sharing my food. If I'm on a date with my girlfriend she better not want to try something off my plate haha.

There are some big talking OL this draft, what sets you apart from the ones with the big mouths?
What sets me apart is my attention to detail, my thirst for film study, and my obsession with improving my technique. I'm the best center in this draft, with lowest floor and highest ceiling. I will outwork anyone on the practice field and in the film room. Any team that passes up on me is going to regret when we meet up with them and run all over them.

Do you prefer to run block or pass block?
I definitely prefer run blocking. There's nothing like getting my mitts under a linemans shoulder pads and just tossing him to the ground so I can run forward and smash a linebacker straight in the chest. If I'm lucky I'll meet a safety on the second level. Nothing like putting those small guys in the dirt.

How do you deal with a D Lineman who is playing dirty and taking cheap shots?
I'll be dirty right back, stretching the rules to my advantage. It gets crowded down in the trenches, and not everything gets seen, much less called. So sometimes you have to take things in your own hands. I don't worry about being too rough, because I know if it comes to blows I've got four brothers on the line to back me up.

Do you prefer to play in a perfect dome, or in a snowstorm?
Definitely in the snowstorm. It hinders QB play so we're gonna run it more and impose our will on the defense. Did I tell you guys I love to run block?

How far can you throw the ball?
Not far. Next question.

Wisconsin to LSU must have been a real shock to the system. What was it like moving across the country for football?
Well it was actually Minnesota, but I'll let that one slide. It was definitely hard, I was missing all of my family and neighbors, but I made a ton of friends at LSU and I wouldn't change my decision for the world.

You're one of the few players who has played in the cold that teams will experience in the NSFC and the heat of the ASFC, do you think that helps your stock?
You know I never thought of that, but I don't think it really makes much of a difference. I feel like the human body adapts to it's environment and it shouldn't affect things one way or the other.

LSU is a school with a lot of rivals - which rivalry did you appreciate the most?
I really enojyed the Alabama rival. We've had a really disappointing run of it these past few years, but the gameday environment is second to none. I just wish we could have put up a W against them.

Who did you vote for to wear #18 your last season, and what drove that decision?
I voted for Tre'Davious. He was a senior leader of the team, four year starter, and one of the hardest workers on the team. He definitely earned the #18 jersey, and played the game the right way.

If you had to build a perfect line out out players in this draft, who would you want to play alongside?
I envision myself at center, with some real road graders at the guard spots and tall athletic tackles. With that said I would put Angus Winchester at LT, Jogn Floggity at LG, Marcus Boyd at RG, and Ben Longshaw at RT.

1. What makes you think you'll work harder than the other prospects?
There is nothing that makes me think I'll work harder, I know I'll work harder. I know I'll work harder because it's what I've been doing my whole football life. I just love the game, and work extra hard to stay at the top.

2. Is there anything you love more than football?
At this point I really don't think there is. I thought really long about this question, but everything just goes back to football.

3. Do you think you'll benefit from the lack of depth in the offensive line class?
I know no matter the size of the offensive line group I would be one of the first lineman off the board. however, supply and demand is a real phenomenon and since our class is so small I think it will definitely help me go a few rounds earlier. No team wants to be stuck with practice squad players protecting their franchise QB.

4. How do you compare to other offensive lineman when it comes to pure strength?
I may not be as strong as the strongest lineman here but I think I compare favorably overall, and I know my technique is definitely at the top of the class.

5. Which GM do you think can maximize your potential?
I'm a firm believer that success comes from within, and the only one who can maximize my potential is myself. I think the best GM is one that enables me to pursue my goals and gives me anything I need in pursuit of that.

What's your favorite workout?
Well I already said squat earlier, so I guess I'll say the snatch grip deadlift. Really helps build up my traps and upper back. This helps me give a great initial punch.

How important is OL going to be in an inaugural season?
I think it's going to be really important since there are so few of us. I don't think much of your offense is going to work if your QB is constantly being harassed and your run game is stuffed at the line.

What QB do you want to block for?
I want to block for anyone who's willing to work with me in the film room to break down game tape. I think being on the same page with my quarterback in terms of protection calls and audibles is more important than blocking for a specific style of QB. Those small differences can be learned and adjusted for.

Would you be okay with being in a pass or run offense?
I would be fine being in any offense, but I definitely prefer a more run-oriented offensive approach.

Which RB would be the most elusive to block for?
I haven't looked at the running backs in this draft too much, but from what I can tell Omar Wright seems to be the slipperiest back out there. He can jump cut with the best of them and hit these tiny holes. It's a pleasure to watch.

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - WinstonKodogo - 05-31-2017

1. What do you look for when watching film?
2. What is your biggest strength on the field?
3. What is your biggest weakness in the field?
4. Favourite exercise in the gym?
5. What is your favourite animal?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - RainDelay - 05-31-2017

What made you choose to be an Offensive Lineman?

Do you have any friends you could recruit to the site as a lineman brigade?

Who is your favorite Saints offensive lineman?

Who is your favorite Saints player in general?

Which NFC South rival do you like the least?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - dave - 05-31-2017

1. Favorite pre-game meal?
2. Any pre-game traditions?
3. Do you play any other sports?
4. Favorite music genre?
5. Projected Draft Position for yourself?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - DrunkenTeddy - 05-31-2017

1. Which team logo do you like the most?
2. On a scale of 1-10, how active of a player do you see yourself being?
3. What player do you look up to, or see yourself trying to be similar to?
4. What was your favorite experience while playing for LSU?
5. Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Saliva^ - 05-31-2017

How it was living in a small city?
From north to south - was it easy transition for you?
Do you mind to be drafted back to north by Yellowknife?
Do you except to be drafted high, despite you're not the most vocal player here?
Do you imagine yourself as a defenseman at some time?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Ltsmashie - 05-31-2017


What is your favourite training field drill?

What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?

Where is your favourite holiday location?

Who do you expect to be drafted higher? Irishman, Luke Tiernan or Scot Kieran O'Connell?

What's your worst trait?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Admin - 05-31-2017

There are some big talking OL this draft, what sets you apart from the ones with the big mouths?

Do you prefer to run block or pass block

How do you deal with a D Lineman who is playing dirty and taking cheap shots?

Do you prefer to play in a perfect dome, or in a snowstorm?

How far can you throw the ball?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Jogn - 05-31-2017

Wisconsin to LSU must have been a real shock to the system. What was it like moving across the country for football?

You're one of the few players who has played in the cold that teams will experience in the NSFC and the heat of the ASFC, do you think that helps your stock?

LSU is a school with a lot of rivals - which rivalry did you appreciate the most?

Who did you vote for to wear #18 your last season, and what drove that decision?

If you had to build a perfect line out out players in this draft, who would you want to play alongside?

Mat Akselsen Pre-Draft Press Conference - Dinklburger01 - 05-31-2017

1. What makes you think you'll work harder than the other prospects?

2. Is there anything you love more than football?

3. Do you think you'll benefit from the lack of depth in the offensive line class?

4. How do you compare to other offensive lineman when it comes to pure strength?

5. Which GM do you think can maximize your potential?