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(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Printable Version

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(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Oles - 04-06-2018


Written: Must Include 150 Words. Everyone works out a little differently, whether it's some new fad exercise, a diet that helps you, or just some new sleeping method, everyone has something unique to them. Write about this unique method.

Graphic: Make a graphic showing what the method may be. Include your render, the method as best you can show it.

Full Payout = 2 TPE

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline: Sunday Night, April 8th, 11:59 PST

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Oles - 04-06-2018

Written: Must Include 150 Words. Everyone works out a little differently, whether it's some new fad exercise, a diet that helps you, or just some new sleeping method, everyone has something unique to them. Write about this unique method.
Oles doesn’t do much in the way of weird training, deriving most of his training regimen from exercises that focus on the shoulders, as a QB and someone who suffered a shoulder subluxation (partial dislocation) as a teenager. Typically, these exercises focus on building up the shoulder muscles in order to strengthen them, as the subluxation severely weakens the shoulder, and makes it challenging to even lift your arm above your shoulder. The injury is debilitating as it isn’t a full dislocation, and you lose a lot of ability as your arm is basically useless for months, struggling to carry even the lightest of objects. As such Oles works to make sure that injury doesn’t happen again, using everything around him to help his shoulder stay strong, knowing that even letting his guard down for a second on an object taking unexpected motion can reinjure his shoulder. The exercise methods really don’t consist of anything special, using bands, weights and other people to help the shoulder strengthen and build resistance in case something were to happen and his shoulder is put in a vulnerable position. (185 words)

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Dangles13 - 04-06-2018

Marcus Kane hates running. It is boring and nothing exciting happens. Marcus Kane has been trying to get faster though; little wide receivers and running backs are tricksy and hard to catch. Mr. Kane took it upon himself to invent a few games to help him keep focused on the task at hand. The best mini-game that Marcus likes to play when running is called "Run Bitch Run". In this game, Marcus dresses in all black and waits for the sun to go down. Once it is nice and dark out, Mr. Kane finds a runner who is all alone and then starts running behind them and tries to close the gap between them. Usually, once the solo runner sees that a large black man dressed in dark clothing is chasing them they really pick up the pace which is what makes the game so fun. The biggest downside to this game is that it appears to be picking up interest among law enforcement agencies. Often, the police turn the tables on Mr. Kane and start chasing him, usually tackling him to the ground when/if they catch him. The added heat from the cops has only motivated Marcus to go out more often to refine his tactics.

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Alfredo_Pasta - 04-06-2018

Hello all! I am writing here today to let you all know about a little something i have been up to. That would be my work out and also my diet. Everyone is usualy curious what a prossional athlete does when it comes to working out and being on a diet. Well i am here today to let you know that it is not all that exciting. What Glenn Mcpoyal does for work outs is just to hire someone. I have a professional trainer that helps with my diet. He measures everything out for me, calculating my calories and how much of everything i need. i litteraly do not need to do anything when it comes to dieting. now i dont do this all the time. It just happens a month before training camp and ends a month after the season is over. For training i just do what ever i want. I see a professional trainer every once in a while. I also go to other players houses and we work out together. I am always training with my cousin gregory fletcher. He has a place on the beach so we do tons of sand training. It sucks a lot but it definitely helps me a lot when it comes to the football field.

words: 215

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - adam2552 - 04-06-2018

Carter Bush follows a rigid, intense rowing regimen as part of his training. Everyday, Carter Bush jumps out of bed bright and early at 5 AM. He starts every workout with a two thousand meter sprint on the rower. He can complete the two thousand meter sprint in just under seven minutes. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he follows the sprint with a long distance fifty thousand meter row. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays he follows the warm-up sprint with a series of sprints. He sprints for two thousand meters, then recovers for two thousand meters, which repeats until he hits twenty six thousand meters rowed. The endurance days, help him build up muscular endurance in his legs, arms, and back. The sprinting days, help him build up cardiovascular and muscular strength. The varying days helps him build the endurance and cardiovascular strength needed to stay in peak shape during a long NSFL season.

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Toasty - 04-06-2018

Everyday Mason Brown’s workout starts at 6:15 with a 25.75 mile run from his farm to a bagel shop in town on Prairie Street, called Dine and Fine, there he orders his usual of a large bagel with raspberry jelly and a large 24 oz caramel latte. Then he starts to run back to the farm, but once he gets 3 miles out of town he needs to stop to take a piss. When he gets back to the farm it is near 10 am. Then he goes to the weight room in his basement and does 50 bench presses at 215 lbs. Then he squats at 235 lbs, and then goes on another run of 3 miles to get his mail. When he gets home he does 150 sit-ups, 150 push-ups, 75 lunges each leg. Then he eats a small lunch. Then he goes outside to his tractor tire. This is no tractor tire, it is two 4 wheel drive tractor tires fused together and then he carries it for a quarter of mile and then flips it for a quarter of a mile, and does that for 2 miles. When he returns home he sits down and watch 2 hours of film and plays with daughters for a hour. After they go to bed he goes into the basement and works on his reflexes with a reflex ball, but he jerry rigged a launcher for his reflex balls so they are launched every 3 seconds. He does this for a half an hour. He catches a total of 540 reflex balls. Then he goes to sleep and repeats.

272 Words

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Dawegg - 04-06-2018

Brad Pennington wakes up every morning, eats some cereal with milk and gets to work. In possibly one of the world's greatest training rooms, he lifts weights. Weight lifting may seem trivial, but it's always important for a quarterback to be able to sling the ball a good eighty yards. Some conditioning training then comes after, mostly swimming in the Ad pool and light sprints around the neighborhood. Speed has never been the strong suit of Brad, so it's better to focus on the intangibles rather than what you can't change. After that, Brad heads to the film room to look at some old game tape and studies his playbook. Studying game film is invaluable in the sense that it allows you to look at mistakes from another perspective in order to improve upon them. Throwing weighted footballs normally follows with a few friends from college. Practice plays against no defense mostly. Real training comes at the Tijuana facility, but this is what Brad tends to do in the offseason.

Word Count: 170

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - PaytonM34 - 04-06-2018

Last season, Brian focused on size and overpowering his opponents at the point of attack, but as many analysts would say, it didn't look natural for Mills out on the field. This off season, Brian Mills made the career change to become a faster and more agile player. Although the loss of weight could be detrimental to his strength, Brian looks to be able to roam the field better than ever before. Brian Mills is sticking to a strict training regimen, focused on giving him the mobility to get to the point of attack quicker. His training is 6 days a week and sticks to a diet focusing on leaning out as much as possible. Explosiveness and quickness are the goals for Brian Mills, and he aims to make his sophomore season better than his disappointing rookie season. With a fresh face beside him in Julian O Sullivan, Mills has high hopes for the New Orleans Second Line linebacking corp this season.

162 words , gimme teps

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Vikain - 04-06-2018

New exercise huh? Well now that I am getting a little older I do need something that will get me going and my good friend and teammate Tyler Oles made me try something out this offseason. It is called the multi-er. That's where you do exercises that are meant for 2 or more people by yourself. So for instance I usually do a 2 mile run and some lifts. Well...I had to double that. I don't know why anyone would want to increase their workload like that. Seriously I was drained for days and Oles kept pushing me to keep going. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to die so that I wouldn't pick him off in practise anymore. But seriously I can't imagine people doing this much work. You would think doing work for one guy would be enough but to go beyond 3 is ridiculous. I think if Oles asks me to do this again next year Im gonna slam the door on him.

(S7) - Weekend PT 1 - Training Regimen - Raven - 04-06-2018

Will do