International Simulation Football League
Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Printable Version

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Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - AdamS - 04-11-2018

So as one of my new duties as part of HO, i took on being part of managing the reddit group we have.

I want to add things and do things that will take an extremely powerful tool like reddit (6th most visited internet site) and be a great advertisement for us (and/or whatever else we use it for). So I thought I would open the discussion up to the members of the league to see what kind of ideas we can cook up. I'm open to any and all suggestions and also discussing them.

-fix player guide link
-open posting to everyone
-team pages
-5 tpe for anyone who joins the page
-emphasis on the free part

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Raven - 04-11-2018

Is the subreddit marked nsfl?

Joking aside, first order of buisness would be fixing that link to the new player guide

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - dropbear - 04-11-2018

I agree with Raven, fix the dead link.

Also, add a post for each of the current NSFL teams, explaining their history, championships, etc. and perhaps listing a contact (GM or co-GM) on the forum or even reddit to get in touch with to learn more.

Then have an individual post to cover the DSFL and what it is. Discuss the teams, the send down and send up process, etc.

Finally, I would prefer to see the information about the site being free at the top of the sidebar. Just get that out of the way from the beginning. Then really drill down on the 'player experience': get drafted, test your worth on the free agent market, chase championships or be a home-town hero, etc. The information is already there, but just a bit spread out across different headings. Give the whole package in one hit, preferably right after saying it's free, and then get into the nitty-gritty stuff. Hook people, then explain the finer details.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Mongoose87 - 04-11-2018

Do you intend on opening up posting? You'll never get much exposure from Reddit unless there's the possibility of a newer post getting upvoted.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - 124715 - 04-11-2018

(04-11-2018, 09:00 AM)Mongoose87 Wrote:Do you intend on opening up posting?  You'll never get much exposure from Reddit unless there's the possibility of a newer post getting upvoted.

A few seasons ago, when @Ballerstorm was our commish, he told me he didn't want to draw activity away from the forums. That was the same reason he didn't want to have the discord for the league. I think we should probably open it up a little bit.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - timeconsumer - 04-11-2018

I think we really just need to re-envision the recruiting team as a digital marketing team. We have opportunities for exposure across a ton of platforms that we are already on:


you get the idea.

We need cohesive messaging cross-platform, updated content, and a team of active people working all these channels to drag for recruits. It's 2018 and we're recruiting like it's 2008.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Bzerkap - 04-11-2018

(04-11-2018, 08:19 AM)124715 Wrote:A few seasons ago, when @Ballerstorm was our commish, he told me he didn't want to draw activity away from the forums. That was the same reason he didn't want to have the discord for the league. I think we should probably open it up a little bit.
Which I feel is a good idea. The evidence for me is the PBE where the conversation is 100% discord which causes a lot of quick reactions, overreactions and for myself, not a lot of involvement frankly. Now PBE has other issues not related to that, but I think this is one of them.

I don't want to totally do away with Discord as everything has it's place, but it is fundamentally quick-fire, easily forgotten messaging medium that lends itself to a lot of arguing and non-productive conversations. The forums being a slower-paced medium allow for a different type of conversation that I believe is better for the long-term health of the league.

So I think all these other areas have their place, but the forum should be the top spot.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - bovovovo - 04-11-2018

(04-11-2018, 12:41 PM)Bzerkap Wrote:Which I feel is a good idea. The evidence for me is the PBE where the conversation is 100% discord which causes a lot of quick reactions, overreactions and for myself, not a lot of involvement frankly. Now PBE has other issues not related to that, but I think this is one of them.

I don't want to totally do away with Discord as everything has it's place, but it is fundamentally quick-fire, easily forgotten messaging medium that lends itself to a lot of arguing and non-productive conversations. The forums being a slower-paced medium allow for a different type of conversation that I believe is better for the long-term health of the league.

So I think all these other areas have their place, but the forum should be the top spot.

Agreed 100%

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Mongoose87 - 04-11-2018

I just don't see the point of the Subreddit if no one can post there. It doesn't do anything this forum doesn't, then. Reddit only gives exposure to new content.

Let's Discuss Expanding on the Reddit Group - Beaver - 04-11-2018

(04-11-2018, 01:41 PM)Bzerkap Wrote:Which I feel is a good idea. The evidence for me is the PBE where the conversation is 100% discord which causes a lot of quick reactions, overreactions and for myself, not a lot of involvement frankly. Now PBE has other issues not related to that, but I think this is one of them.

I don't want to totally do away with Discord as everything has it's place, but it is fundamentally quick-fire, easily forgotten messaging medium that lends itself to a lot of arguing and non-productive conversations. The forums being a slower-paced medium allow for a different type of conversation that I believe is better for the long-term health of the league.

So I think all these other areas have their place, but the forum should be the top spot.
Agree. Who are you who are so wise in the ways of forumming?