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(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Oles - 04-16-2018


Written: Must include 200 words. Was your original goal to be a football star? Well some people have other goals, and they don't always pan out the same way, some wanted to play in other sports. Write about what sport your player would be playing if you weren't in the NSFL.

Graphic: Create a sig for your player in the other sport. Include your render and something to signify that you are in a different sport (a baseball bat, lacrosse stick, golf club, etc)

Full Payout = 3 TPE

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Saturday, April 21st, 11:59 PM PST

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Oles - 04-16-2018


(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Bwestfield - 04-16-2018

Bradley Westfield has played several different sports. Always good but not great. He really found his niche in football. For the longest time was baseball. He would play outfielder and was a pretty decent batter as well. He truly loved the sport. But nothing could quite measure up against the sport of football. He played baseball from the time he was a small boy all the way into college. He never expected to play professionally but he enjoyed it so much. He still plays off and on today and even goes to the batting cages to see what he’s got and to keep up on his skills. He doesn’t go there to have the balls bounce off his chest like in the movies although that would be funny. So he’ll play a pickup game here and there with some friends when he goes back home to Oklahoma during the offseason. He always has an amazing time. I think it’s a bit more of hanging out with his friends than it is about the baseball game, but it’s something they all enjoy together and that’s what matters. A few beers and a bunch of friends can go a long way in de-stressing during the off season.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - infinitempg - 04-16-2018

did you know i used to soccer

wait i am a kicker that doesn't surprise you

i used to have pretty hair before all that helmet crap kicked in for football

[Image: qalMVqF.jpg]

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Supersquare04 - 04-16-2018

When Dwayne Aaron isn't wrecking trash cornerbacks like @tbone415 he is doing other, far more difficult and demanding sports. I am of course talking about Ultimate Frisbee. Dwayne wasn't just a NSFL superstar day 1, he was an ultimate frisbee superstar day 1. It was here he honed his catching skills and ultimately became known as one of the top Ultimate Frisbee players of all time. Unfortunately there is not much money in the Ultimate Frisbee world, so Dwayne Aaron turned to the world of football for cash. He was even on the unofficial Ultimate frisbee team at Mizzou, where they used to invite other neighboring colleges for a friendly ultimate frisbee matchup. Here Dwayne was the star of the team, he was easily the best and it even kept him in shape during the offseason so he could keep playing football at a high level and not be out of shape come the beginning of the season. It is safe to say if Dwayne Aaron never became a star in the league of Simulated football, he would be founding a league of ultimate frisbee, and setting every record there is to set. Long story short (and this is not to reach the word limit at all) Dwayne would be the GOAT of ultimate frisbee.

lots of words

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - dropbear - 04-17-2018

Given he was born in Australia, it's no surprise Howard Miller has an affinity for some of their national sports. Rugby League and Australian Football - known colloquially as 'Aussie Rules' - were his favourites, and two sports that he excelled at outside of American Football.

Miller's talents as a wide receiver are very much transferable to Aussie Rules, which is referred to by Australians by its competition name - the Australian Football League, or AFL - as opposed to the name of the sport itself. AFL requires extreme fitness, speed, agility, and of course, the ability to make spectacular catches, typically while competing to do so with one, if not more, defenders.

While on holiday in Australia escaping the start of the Chicago cold, Miller took full advantage of the warmer weather and participated in some local AFL games. He was so impressive that word spread like wildfire on social media of an unknown prodigy playing in a meaningless local league.

When autumn in Australia came around, Miller's agent had representatives from every AFL team calling and asking him to come and play their sport. It was a hard bargain to drive, of course, given the salary differences between the two leagues. It was a passion for American Football, though, that led Miller to stay in the US and continue his dream of playing in the NSFL, which he has now achieved, debuting for the Colorado Yeti today.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Raven - 04-17-2018

Quote:Written: Must include 200 words. Was your original goal to be a football star? Well some people have other goals, and they don't always pan out the same way, some wanted to play in other sports. Write about what sport your player would be playing if you weren't in the NSFL.

Turk Turkleton, many will know him from the football plays he makes playing in the NSFL for his team the Baltimore Hawks. A kicker through and through. Many people automatically assume this sports of football is one that Turk has been playing and practising all his life. However this is actually a false statement. A missassumption. Born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Turk spent a huge part of his childhood, not playing football, but actually playing snooker. This is often quite a shock for people. Snooker is not a sport often associated with american sports culture. You will often hear about pool, but snooker not so. Maybe it was a desire to play something differnt than the rest, but snooker is where Turk heart laid.

As a child he got sucked right into the sports, by seeing it on the tv once. Since that day he didn't look back and begged his parents to get him a mini snooker table and so they did. This eventually turned into a full scale table.

You might be wondering why Turk Turkleton ended up turning to football and not to snooker. Well the truth is, is that Turk was actually a shite snooker player and was not able to go pro in the sports.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - JuOSu - 04-17-2018

I truly love baseball. Ever since the moment I first saw it I have been in love with it and obsessed with it. I learned all the statistics, the normal ones at first and later the advanced statistics. I think it is a brilliant sport that gives so much joy and happiness to me.

If I did play baseball, I would probably be a shortstop. I would want to shine defensively because shortstops are really important on the defensive side of the field. On offense, I probably would try to go for a lot of power and try to hit home-runs a lot, but I would also want to walk a lot and have good patience.

I think if I did play baseball, I would try to play somewhere where it's warm, maybe somewhere in Texas. I think that could be a lot of fun.

There is also a chance I would be a racecar driver, maybe in Stock Cars or Nascar. I would do well in qualifyings especially.

Or maybe I would be a hockey player. Either as a forward who passes a lot or as a goalie who shuts down defences. I think both of those could be a possibility.

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - ItsJustBarry - 04-17-2018

If I hadn’t made it in professional football, I don’t think I would have pursued another sport. What many people don’t know about me is my one other true passion is cooking. Ever since I was a little boy, I have been working in the kitchen alongside my mother. I started small, just helping to prepare soups and stews. Always chopping the vegetables paying close attention to my knife skills as every cut needed to be identical. From there, I ventured onwards learning my spices and how to pair them together so they bring a sense of excitement to your mouth with every bite. Once I had the basics down, I really focused in on perfecting those family recipes that had been passed down through multiple generations. Now, many years later, I am whipping up new creations on a weekly basis and mastering every aspect of the kitchen. Now, I cook everything from the most tender beef, lamb, and duck to homemade pasta and desserts. My latest specialty would have to be a white chocolate macadamia bread pudding. Making everything from scratch, including the bread, can be an undertaking but the end result is definitely worth the time that’s spent on this treat. (203)

(S7) - PT 3 - Other Sports - Durden - 04-17-2018

Viggo Squanch would definitely be playing competitive dodgeball. It's just such a great fit. Squanch has come out and developed himself well, and his biggest focus has been on improving his hands. The man wants to catch for a living. Secondarily, he's been working on becoming the fastest dude you'll see.

These two attributes combine really well on the dodgeball court. From the start of the game and getting off the line, to being IN the game, it all transfers well.

Squanch has the quickness to get to stray balls on the court, and can easily dodge out of the way of anyone's throws. When he's just not quite fast enough though, he can catch anything thrown at him. His nickname is "The Tide Turner" because with him catching throws, it's just a matter of time before his team is back in it (if they were ever behind at all).

Squanch would definitely make a professional career out of dodgeball. Just like that girl who used to be a softball player. Just like her, he could be a crossover athlete and dominate two different sports.

[Image: 200.gif?w=810&ssl=1]

Hopefully it'll never come down to that but if it does, you can bet your bottom dollar Squanch will be a pro.