International Simulation Football League
Realistic Position Changes - Printable Version

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Realistic Position Changes - dropbear - 04-20-2018

Future position changes should be limited to ones that are realistic, relative to the NFL.

Using the flowchart below, players could only switch to a position on the left or right of their current position:

Defensive Lineman <-> Linebacker <-> Safety <-> Cornerback <-> Wide Receiver/Tight End <-> Running Back

I omitted quarterback as we know that switches to WR are against the rules, and I feel that is the only legitimate switch. Also, human players typically don't play on the offensive line anymore so I excluded them, however, if pressed I would put them left of defensive linemen.


Realistic Position Changes - 37thchamber - 04-20-2018

Honestly? Too restrictive, imo.

It is a bit weird how vastly different position changes can be, but I don't think this is a solution. And that's assuming we consider it a problem (I'm not sure it is one, personally).

Realistic Position Changes - Raven - 04-20-2018

I know I used the position change argument when trying to argue for the archetype switch changes, but I think if we start restricting players from what they could switch into, I feel like you're going against our motto. We want everyone to have a fun experience and a position switch is part of it all. If a user isn't enjoying his time as a certain position, but we tell him nah you can only switch into one or two other types it'll repulse I feel like.

Like we didn't go realistic with the retirement rules, so I dont see why we would here.

Realistic Position Changes - Ben - 04-20-2018

Idk I kinda agree with Ben on this one.
Always found it was a bit of a cop out with the drastic changes so many players were making around the league. And I'd argue that it's not restricting players so much that they can't have fun. There's not one single position they'll only have fun playing I'd say there would be a range that any given member would enjoy.
Maybe I'm still recovering from the suspension of disbelief with the OL changes and when the S1/S2 players start phasing out there won't be so many crazy position switches

Realistic Position Changes - 37thchamber - 04-20-2018

(04-20-2018, 09:59 AM)Ben Wrote:when the S1/S2 players start phasing out there won't be so many crazy position switches
I imagine this is part of it. Early life of the league has been a bit nuts with trying to find balance etc.

You'll still probably get QBs changing to whatever other position though, purely because there's so few openings at that position, but a lot of people are likely to create as QBs.

Realistic Position Changes - kckolbe - 04-20-2018

Within each position, certain archetypes are more one position than another. For example, coverage linebacker was closer to CB than DL, yet that move wouldn't be allowed on your chart. As for QB, maybe Safety? It kills your straight line chart a bit.

Realistic Position Changes - Roly - 04-20-2018

I don’t have a problem restricting position changes in general, largely because I don’t personally like how it currently works. But, I also think that new guys who sign up usually don’t know what the experience of a position will be like in the sim.

So if we restrict position changes at all, I’d recommend leaving a free universal change to any position in a players first DSFL season prior to draft.

I think after that grace period you could be able to insert more restrictions onto it. Maybe not as intense as what this straight line flowchart provides, but just general “side of the ball” restrictions or something.

Then again I don’t have a problem with guys playing as they want to. My players, like Morris, won’t position change and will want realistic pay since I find that immersive and enjoyable (ala BaP). But I don’t judge people who like different ways of playing.

Realistic Position Changes - ExemplaryChad - 04-20-2018

In general, I think I favor keeping position changes open. As someone mentioned, the league is, first and foremost, about players having fun, and realism is a second consideration to that.

That being said, I would not be opposed to a change in how position switches are implemented. Maybe a player can only move 33% or 25% of their TPE instead of 50%. Specifically, this would accomplish much of what we're talking about here -- preventing so many unrealistic changes -- while still keeping the all of the options open, strictly speaking. This would also make it more difficult for players to switch to and from QB, as they would be less likely to be able to completely tank or completely boost their passing stats. (The same would likely apply to kicker, but I don't think anyone was concerned about that, haha.)

All of that being said, I had a blast figuring out and writing about Pierno's switch from QB to DT, and the current system enabled that, so meh.

Realistic Position Changes - timeconsumer - 04-20-2018

Hey this is fun. I was having a chat about this with GMs and HOs a while back. I had a similar idea, but slightly less restricted...and significantly more complicated because it's me and I do that.

So the whole idea is to introduce some sort of penalty for someone position switching outside of a few positions where it makes sense for them to do it. Something like you lose 10% of your TPE for every season you played at the old position if swapping outside of one of these:

WR > CB, S, RB
LB > DE, DT, S, RB
CB > S, WR
S > CB, WR, LB

Not that these have to be set in stone either. Longshaw's (Miller's?) ideas are fine too. But I don't want to completely restrict switches, just make certain unrealistic ones less valuable. I don't mind Tweed switching to LB, that's not terribly out of the realm of possibility...but Pierno switching to DT? That's weird.

Realistic Position Changes - ExemplaryChad - 04-20-2018

(04-20-2018, 08:21 AM)timeconsumer Wrote:Pierno switching to DT? That's weird.


But yeah, you're right. And I would say even weirder is all the switches to QB in recent seasons.