International Simulation Football League
Rookie Guide - Printable Version

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Rookie Guide - AdamS - 04-20-2018

Improving the rookie guide is a much needed project that had come to my attention. So before we really get going, I wanted to get your suggestions.

Rookie Guide - AzhekAhriman - 04-20-2018

Rookie guide needs to have some of the sim-tips for character building that we've come up with over the years. Maybe in a min-maxing sort of section. We want new guys to spend their tpe before they get approved and sent to a DSFL team, but we don't really give them any help figuring out how to make good builds if they are not already sim-league vets.

Rookie Guide - AdamS - 04-21-2018

this is good

Rookie Guide - timeconsumer - 04-21-2018

An idea on what to expect by picking a certain position. Like "If you pick a cornerback you will need to earn a lot of TPE and expect to not have a ton of great stats. A position for the team players." or "If you pick a kicker, you can relax knowing you only have two stats to improve and it won't take long to max them." or "A good wide receiver is always needed and can function as a WR3 without great attributes but can shine as one of the best in the league when managed well." you get the point.

Rookie Guide - speculadora - 04-21-2018

I think there need to be varying levels to this. There are people who will join who don't remotely understand the concept of a sim league. That needs to be explained first. Then you can get into how to create a player. After those two things I think you can consider talking about specific builds and what to expect from a position. In some cases this is like a new language to people so there is a ton of groundwork that needs to be laid for them to understand a fraction of these concepts and we really tend to overlook that as a league

Rookie Guide - DestaDanger - 04-21-2018

A wiki page may not be the worst idea to put together for this more intricate stuff. A brief blurb may be helpful but a well made wiki guide could be much more helpful long term (and easier to update regularly)

Rookie Guide - AdamS - 04-21-2018

A wiki for the league is currently in progress so this is something we can piggyback as well.