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*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - Printable Version

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*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - Supersquare04 - 05-06-2018

As Dwayne Aaron steps to the podium, the reporters in the crowd begin to shift in their seats and shuffle their index cards, mouthing the questions they have prepared to ask.

Dwayne Aaron - clearing throat So I know that there have been a lot of rumors going around...Since the team is not going to answer them I will. Ask away.

Reporter 1 - Dwayne with the recent trading of Carlito Crush @JKortesi81, was there something in the locker room that forced this move or...?

DA - Yes there was. Crush was a real douche pretty much after every game. He constantly bashed Applehort and continuously told him that Pierno was far better. He used to start verbal fights all the time and talked back to the coaches, he refused to follow any route that he didn't approve of and it through off our gameplan all the time. He ultimately believed that the coach was an inadequate piece of trash that needs to be fired. Whether I agree with him is not important. This is a team that has to stick together and be on the same page. Crush was not so we let him go. Personally I think he will just do the same thing to the otters when they lose a single game.

R2 - With the Legion rebranding to get a fresh start after being awful for a long time, are the rumors that the Yeti will do the same thing true?

DA - I have personally told both the head office and the general manager that Colorado is a trashcan of a franchise and we need to leave. I actually have suggested that Colorado becomes a DSFL team and is replaced by the Portland Pythoins.

crowd gasps and begins talking, after a few seconds Aaron motions for silence

R3 - Are you saying that the Pythons are coming to the NSFL?

DA - no, not yet. I have only gotten the generic "ill think about it" responses from the head office and general management. But is it a realistic possibility? yes. How awesome would it be to have the most pathetic team in recent memory replaced by the most prestigious of the DSFL right before our seasons of dominance begin?

R3 - Well...speaking of the Pythons, how do you feel about their current season?

DA - They are the best team in the league hands down. There isn't anything that can really change my mind about that. They are absolutely loaded with talent and every time they have lost a game it has been a fluke. I would say they are slightly better than the year I was in Portland, Which i will say was complete baloney that we lost. Anyway this team is amazing and they will be the ultimini champs this season. Anyway folks that will be it for today, I'm gonna go get a few games in with the boys. I'll talk later, Aaron out.

487 words Ready for grading

*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - JKortesi81 - 05-06-2018

Carlito Crush, when told about Aaron's statements, had only this to say:

"Is any of that true? I mean, i said i defended Pierno. You guys know better."

*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - bovovovo - 05-07-2018

(05-06-2018, 09:02 PM)Supersquare04 Wrote:[i]I actually have suggested that Colorado becomes a DSFL team and is replaced by the Portland Pythoins.

This would be awesome actually lol

*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - iamslm22 - 05-07-2018

SA's prestige >>>>> Portland

*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - DeathOnReddit - 05-07-2018


*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - run_CMC - 05-07-2018

this is great lol

>complains about one player trashing another player
>proceeds to trash the entire franchise

*Dwayne Aaron speaks out - Supersquare04 - 05-07-2018

(05-07-2018, 01:06 PM)run_CMC Wrote:this is great lol

>complains about one player trashing another player
>proceeds to trash the entire franchise
