International Simulation Football League
Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - Printable Version

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Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - AdamS - 05-13-2018

So many ideas are floating around the league and discussion about retraction, expansion, contract changes, recruitment, equipment, changing the developmental system, bots, fillers, and all sorts of things. This is the offseason of significant structural change that pushes the league to it's next stages.

As far as I am concerned most ideas are on the table right now. And the GMs and HOs and the Simmer all have an entire set of chats dedicated to this. So this is for YOU. You're not any of those people. I'm in fact asking that none of those people suggest anything here. I want to hear YOUR ideas. I might not like them. I might shoot them down out of hand, but at least I'll discuss them here with you. And if we find some things that i think could work, I'll put them into the Summit myself. And, if there are other potential ideas being worked on that touch on the same ground as what you suggest, I'll give you as much info as I can on that as well.

I'm gonna leave this open for until the deadline for the rules summit so that gives us several days to put work in. Let's do this.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - dave - 05-13-2018

First of all, having to add bots to fill positions doesn't reflect supper well on the league. With every bot that gets added it's one more chip from the whole "everyone is a real person" block. Because of this I would be hesitant to go through and add bots for every position. However, I definitely think that at the least D-line bots and even LB bots could be added. I don't know how accurate the position tracker is but these two positions are by far the weakest in relation to the number of starters needed. Of course by adding bots some active front seven players may feel pressure to switch to a position that couldn't be filled by bots. I don't really think other positions would benefit enough from the addition of bots to make it worthwhile (maybe the secondary) and again I would be concerned with adding so many bots so quickly (again, "league of real people"). I think that introducing bots at one position seeing how it goes for a while and then adding more bots if necessary is the way to go here.

One idea that I was thinking about was possibly slow down the regression of inactive. If I'm being honest with myself, inactives are pretty much bots with a bit of personality already. If they regressed at a slower rate, the fact that the league is built on a bunch of S1 and S2 bodies might not sting as much. We obviously wouldn't want a whole bunch of inactives putting up crazy career stats because they played for longer than an active player, but I don't think that would be an issue (active player> inactive for slightly longer time)

I just had another idea while writing this last paragraph. We could have inactives regress at normal pace or even an accelerated pace, and then when they fall below a certain threshold, retire them and reintroduce them into the draft as fillers with the starting TPE level. They would have different names and be different entries in the sim, but each "filler" would share the same max TPE as one of the current inactives. As the season goes on, the filler would gain TPE weekly based on how much TPE the player had when they went inactive. Maybe a percentage of max TPE, or maybe it could be spaced out over the course of a couple seasons. In this way you pretty much get a more interactive and fluid type of "bot" player that gains TPE until a cap.
There are some issues with this idea that are pretty apparent. The bulk of inactives are S1, so if they got reintroduced into a draft once they all regressed to a certain point they would all be in pretty much one draft class. Someone would have to come up with a way to sprinkle them throughout a couple seasons worth of drafts. Second issue is that there are a lot of inactives, and many of them wouldn't provide value even at their max TPE. Someone would have to go through and find inactives that would provide value to teams. If there aren't enough inactives that would provide value, maybe some of these "fillers" may actually need a higher TPE cap than the inactive player ever had to begin with (someone would have to figure out a good TPE cap). One other idea to make sure that fillers provide value is to have more than one filler based on the same inactive player. So an inactive 260 TPE WR could cause three 260 capped fillers of three different positions DT, LB, CB, or whatever is needed.
The more that I think about it, the more I think that you don't even have to have inactives for this to work. You could just add the fillers in and not necessarily base them off any inactive player. Someone could create filers and then a week or two before the draft you could have a "filler prospect list," where the fillers are listed by their max TPE. Again, the number of fillers and their max TPE would depend on what we need as a league. Then the fillers would be drafted at 50 TPE and gain some TPE every week until they are maxed. Again, this gives a more dynamic and interesting way of introducing bots into the league.

Honestly I don't even know if this is the answer the league needs but I wrote it all and I'm leaving it there.

Lastly, I think folding real NSFL teams is asinine. Yes there are probably too many teams, that was what many people said when it was announced that two more were being added. But this is the sim-league-house we built and we have to sim-league-live in it now, getting rid of NSFL teams would hurt the league in an irrevocable way imo. I think that if anything, the DSFL should be the first to go before we even discuss folding NSFL teams.

Sorry for rambling, thank you for your time, do I get a media payout for this?

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - Durden - 05-13-2018

Tighten cap. Make gms make a tough decision or two. It'll increase parity.

Lower the update scale.

1/2/5/10/18 is a hike. 2/4/6/8/12 maybe? I didn't do the math, but to go from 5 to 10 to 18 is crazy. Gotta have middling.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - DeathOnReddit - 05-13-2018

Have anyone with the initials AA get a 200 tpe boost

Change contracts. Make it harder to extend your players. I want big FA signing like the NFL. Im glad that Tlk and I decided to test FA and make it exciting.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - adam2552 - 05-13-2018

My idea is going to sound a bit crazy. The problem with having fewer teams is that it means fewer offensive skill positions which are the positions people most like to play. So to prevent this removing teams....

Make the DSFL a second tier league, not a minor league. Every season 2 teams get promoted from DSFL from NSFL and 2 NSFL teams get relegated to DSFL.

Promotion/Relegation: The top DSFL champion is automatically promoted to the NSFL. The team that lost the DSFL championship enters into a one game playoff to see if they get promoted, more to come. The worst regular season NSFL team is automatically demoted to DSFL. The second worst regular season NSFL team plays the loser of DSFL championship in one exhibition game, the DSFL team will be the home team. If the DSFL team wins, they replace the NSFL team in the NSFL. Otherwise the NSFL team remains in the NSFL.

Drafting: There would no longer be a DSFL draft or a NSFL draft, but one combined draft. A new midseason create comes in as a waiver DSFL player and will join the DSFL player that claimed him. After his first season he enters the draft where any team (NSFL/DSFL) can draft him. It will take several seasons for teams to level out here. This motion would also deter NSFL tanking, the draft order would be all DSFL teams, followed by all NSFL teams. So the worst NSFL team ends up with 5th pick, instead of 1st.

Free Agency: Any player can sign with any team, NSFL or DSFL.

Player Loans: If a NSFL team has a player that they have no room for, they can loan that player to a DSFL team. Any terms can be negotiated here, but mainly these will be one season deals, where the DSFL team pays the players salary.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - Daybe - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 06:37 AM)Durden Wrote:Lower the update scale.

1/2/5/10/18 is a hike.  2/4/6/8/12 maybe? I didn't do the math, but to go from 5 to 10 to 18 is crazy. Gotta have middling.

Almost all builds can already can be maxed out anyway if you exclude unimportant stats

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - Durden - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 10:51 AM)Daybe Wrote:Almost all builds can already can be maxed out anyway if you exclude unimportant stats

That's fine... But I've been here for a season and updating from 80+ is daunting. I can't do anything with a training and ac. That's discouraging for a lot of new users.

From 60 to 99 it's 342 TPE to max each Stat. That's fine, just make it a bit different to still get there.

And you gotta realize maxing out is if you're a super dedicated member. Gotta let the numbs get at least 3/4 the way there.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - timeconsumer - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 02:28 PM)Durden Wrote:From 60 to 99 it's 342 TPE to max each Stat. That's fine, just make it a bit different to still get there.

320. 90+ is 15 per not 18.

Besides, you can be a highly effective player at 500-600 TPE in basically all non-QB positions. For a seven season career that's 85 TPE per season. Assuming an 8 week season you are earning 56 of that from AC+training. The rest you get through milestones, season predictions, training camp, maybe fantasy, a handful of weekly predictions you did, etc.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - Durden - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 01:43 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:320. 90+ is 15 per not 18.

Besides, you can be a highly effective player at 500-600 TPE in basically all non-QB positions. For a seven season career that's 85 TPE per season. Assuming an 8 week season you are earning 56 of that from AC+training. The rest you get through milestones, season predictions, training camp, maybe fantasy, a handful of weekly predictions you did, etc.

Again, not complaining about the TPE needed. I'm saying going from 1 to 2 to 5 to 10 to 18 is such a weird scale.

Spread it out differently to avoid such a huge jump.

Members Only: What are YOUR suggestions? - timeconsumer - 05-13-2018

(05-13-2018, 03:06 PM)Durden Wrote:Again, not complaining about the TPE needed. I'm saying going from 1 to 2 to 5 to 10 to 18 is such a weird scale.

Spread it out differently to avoid such a huge jump.

It's not 18. It's 15.