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RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - Printable Version

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RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - :.Elite.: - 06-01-2017

Hey guys, I am here for questions!

1.) The RB class this year is deep and very competitive, how do you think you stick out and do you think you'll land a starting job after the draft?

With only six teams in the league, and one having a RB already, it is hard to stand out in such a crowded running back class. It is especially hard when you join two hours before the draft is set to commence. I don't know how I will be able to stick out from the rest but at the same time it wasn't my plan to stick out. I wanted to join up, see where I get picked, and fight for my spot on the roster. I honestly don't expect to be a starter out of the gate, unless a team decides to pick up a strong defense, and bank on me late. I will fight for my spot though.

2.) You have the speed to be a return man, but how well can you field punts?

Fielding punts is something I have never done before. I wouldn't say I cant do it but I am not going to sit here and say that I can. If the team wants me to do that I will work on it because I want to fight for my spot on the roster and if takes being a specialty player I can do that.

3.) Would you prefer to outrun the defense in a straight line or try to dance around them before breaking away?

I will run wherever it takes to bust off the big runs. If I need to dance and show patience if I will but if I see a hole open up, I will run through it with no hesitation. It doesn't matter how it happens, I am always looking to break off a big run.

4.) Do you think you can be a receiving threat in this league or do you want to keep to the ground game?

My receiving game will take time to develop. I am a pure runner right now but I do plan to work on my hands in the future. I want to be more than a one-dimensional speed runner and the more versatile I can become the more I will see the field.

5.) What will you be looking for in your team and what do you think you bring in return?

I want to play for a contender and be a key part of the team. Not only that but hopefully we have a fun locker room and are willing to help each other out.

Q: Would you be willing to split a backfield if you had to?

I am more than willing to split the backfield duties. I came into this league late, so I knew that a starting role right away was likely not going to be in the cards for me. I am going to try and work my way into a spell-back role and really focus on becoming electric every time I touch the ball. I know if I keep working hard and stay consistent that my time will come to claim a starting role somewhere.

Q: Are you limited to being a RB?

I plan to be able to split out wide and run some routes in the slot in my future. However, as of right now, I am focusing solely on being a runner and being as dynamic as I can be. My reps will likely be limited so I will have to make the most of them.

Q: Why did you declare so late?

I honestly sat around watching this league, and then I completely forgot about it, until I saw a post saying the draft was tonight. I saw how great the start of the league looks so I couldn't miss out on the fun. Also, I know I was going to be active, but it is fun when you can join late and be a super late steal for whichever team takes a chance on you.

Q: What will be your reaction if you aren't drafted as a RB?

I won't be switching away from running back. I know that team's have the ability to use two backs in the system and I have no qualms about being the lesser used spell back until I get my chance to shine. Like I said, I will keep being consistent and steadily improve, and my time will come.

Q: Will you rush for 1,000+ yards?

This year, no. Hopefully in the future though. I am already at a disadvantage because I missed the first week or two of the league opening and I see people already having close to 100 TPE. It's unfortunate but the fact remains that I am here and I will work.

Q: How lucky do you feel to make it in the knick of time?

I feel very lucky. I had the decision to sign up and enter the draft or wait it out and go to waivers. I think it is more fun to be drafted, especially when nobody knows who you are, and you joined so late. It is fun to see how far you fall and giving that team a nice little draft day surprise once you do get picked.

Q: Why an already stacked position?

I know the simulator allows teams to use two running backs and I fully plan on being that dynamic runner that can bust off big runs at any given time. I don't plan to be a workhorse early on, maybe ever, but if I can handle 5-10 carries a game and break off one or two I think I will have a role in this league for any team.

Q: What teams stand out on first impressions?

I have no idea because I didn't even look at any of the teams. I signed up, copied someones mock draft, and quickly threw up some press conference questions to gain some cash. The only first impression I will have is the impression I get from the team that ends up taking me.

Q: Will you be taken in the last round?

I don't think so. I showed a smidgen of activity and that is usually enough for a GM to take a chance on you when the proven active players have dwindled down. I won't be picked anytime soon but I definitely won't be last round.

Q: How will you overcome joining so late?

Consistency. That is all I can offer at this point and eventually it will work itself out for me.

Q: Demetrius there's a pretty good chance you'll be a change of pace back, what are your thoughts?

That is exactly what I want to be and what I will set out to become. I don't need to be the star of the team. All I want to be is that one guy that make big plays happen at any given moment and I will continue to build towards that.

Q: Would you accept any role your team asks of you?

The way I look at it, I am going to be drafted so late, it is worth it for me to sign 1 year deals until I become an unrestricted free agent and will hopefully have an open starting job for me. With that said, no I will not accept any role the team asks. To be blunt, I am in this for myself, and I want to stay at running back and that is what I am going to do.

Q: How do you plan on approaching the development of your skills?

Speed, agility, strength. Those are the three key attributes I will look to develop and then I will work on smaller things like hands and intelligence when I reach a spot I am comfortable with in those three attributes.

Q: What made you decide to enter the draft this year as a running back instead of, say, a punter?

Why join a league to be a lame position like kicker or punter? That just wouldn't be fun for me and I would fizzle out quickly. Again, I am in this for myself, and my interests. That is being a running back and that is what I will be.

Q: Favorite 90's comedy?


1. What runner do you most model your game after? The upright running style of Eric Dickerson, or maybe the shifty dancing acrobatics of Gayle Sayers?

A combination of both those in a modern era. Actually the era right now. David Johnson of the Arizona Cardinals is the back I look up to most and the type of back I want to become. The guy is fast, shifty, strong, and has incredible vision. I really think he is the most complete back in the NFL and I hope to be half as good as he is one day.

2. What was the most important message your coach left you with?

Do what makes you happy. If you are happy you work harder and if you work harder you find more success.

3. How does nutrition play a role in your development?

It is a vital role in keeping my body in top physical condition. If you aren't eating the right things then your body will wear down quicker. I want to be at my peak physically and mentally and eating right is a huge part in both those things.

4. Is there an obscure activity or thing you like to do to relax when you're away from football?

I am an avid disc golf player and I hit the course whenever I get the chance. It is a lot of fun and takes a lot of skill and planning from hole to hole.

5. How important is pass protection to the RB position, especially in a sim league?

It is a very important aspect but it is hard to tell in this league. With offensive line and defensive line being human controlled players, it may be especially important, or not important at all. I don't think any of us will know until we start to see some games being played.

Q: North south or east west?


Q: Bing or Google?


Q: Hamburger or hotdog?

Hamburger. Unless you are at a sporting event, then hot dog.

Q: Ketchup or mustard?

Depends but in general I say I use mustard more than ketchup.

Q: Mario or Luigi?

Luigi hands down.

1. I see that you went to college at Northern Iowa. Do you think coming from a smaller school will impact your transition to the pros?

I went to Northern Iowa to try and follow in the footsteps of my football idol David Johnson. He has made a fine career for himself in the NFL so far so I think I can do the same in the NSFL. If you have the talent to make it, it shouldn't matter what school you come from.

2. Which NFL running back do you model your play style most after?

David Johnson.

3. Do you care more about individual stats or about team success?

Team success hands down but individual success is sometimes just as fun. At the end of the day I would sacrifice my personal stats for a victory however.

4. Since you are a speed back, do you still like to break tackles or do you prefer to use your speed to avoid contact?

I will do whatever it takes to pick up every yard that is available to me. I take pride in not wasting a lot of movement trying to bounce back and forth. If I see a hole I hit, if I don't, I try to stay patient and be content with picking up those 2, 3, or 4 yard gains. Eventually something will open up and I will make the defense pay when that happens.

5. Do you like to play a receiving role or do you prefer to simply be a pure runner?

I like to handle the ball and be a playmaker. Whether I have to catch it or take a handoff it doesn't matter to me. Just give me the ball, some blockers, and let me go to work.

1. 6'1" and a Speed Back! Do you see yourself becoming a pass-catcher as well?

Eventually I will. David Johnson is the goal and he can do it all so eventually I will be doing it all as well.

2. If you could pick a lightsaber color which would it be and why?

It's funny you ask that because I ordered two pens that look like lightsabers and light up as well. I wanted a green one but got two reds. So to answer your question, green, Yoda is the man.

3. Favorite formation to run out of?

QB under center single back formation. I know it gives me one less blocker but I like having vision of the entire field. Sometimes a lead blocker can impede your vision when you run behind him waiting for him to block someone. I like to read and react and single back formation is where I can do that the best.

4. Do you have a player you want to be matched up with in the draft?

I did not know a single player in the draft, so no.

5. What was your greatest achievement in College ball?

One game I took five carries for 174 yards and three touchdowns. That is easily be greatest college game of my career. I hope to have more stat lines like that in the NSFL in the future.

Q: Do you have a celebrity crush?

Alexandra Daddario.

Q: Was your family with you at the draft?

Yes I had my parents, cousins, grandparents, and my friends. It was small but it was fun and great to have them to share the moment with me.

Q: Any injuries that required surgery your past?

Nope I have been very fortunate to not have sustained any major injuries thus far.

Q: What was some of your challenges growing up?

I can't really remember. I have never felt like I was being held back and I take things in stride. I try to keep stress levels down so I don't look at things as challenges but as opportunities.

Q: Have you ever felt pressured from your coaches in the past?

I never felt pressure. I did my best to get the job done and if I didn't then I didn't. My coaches always knew that about me and they always knew I would give it my all but sometimes it just wouldn't work out.

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - Player1 - 06-01-2017

1.) The RB class this year is deep and very competitive, how do you think you stick out and do you think you'll land a starting job after the draft?

2.) You have the speed to be a return man, but how well can you field punts?

3.) Would you prefer to outrun the defense in a straight line or try to dance around them before breaking away?

4.) Do you think you can be a receiving threat in this league or do you want to keep to the ground game?

5.) What will you be looking for in your team and what do you think you bring in return?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - youngcricket - 06-01-2017

Would you be willing to split a backfield if you had to?
Are you limited to being a RB?
Why did you declare so late?
What will be your reaction if you aren't drafted as a RB?
Will you rush for 1,000+ yards?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - RainDelay - 06-01-2017

How lucky do you feel to make it in the knick of time?

Why an already stacked position?

What teams stand out on first impressions?

Will you be taken in the last round?

How will you overcome joining so late?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - deadendpath27 - 06-01-2017

Demetrius there's a pretty good chance you'll be a change of pace back, what are your thoughts?

Would you accept any role your team asks of you?

How do you plan on approaching the development of your skills?

What made you decide to enter the draft this year as a running back instead of, say, a punter?

Favorite 90's comedy?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - Bzerkap - 06-01-2017

1. What runner do you most model your game after? The upright running style of Eric Dickerson, or maybe the shifty dancing acrobatics of Gayle Sayers?
2. What was the most important message your coach left you with?
3. How does nutrition play a role in your development?
4. Is there an obscure activity or thing you like to do to relax when you're away from football?
5. How important is pass protection to the RB position, especially in a sim league?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - :.Elite.: - 06-01-2017

Will answers these tonight! I am playing games tho but to all GMs...I am active!!!

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - Sweetwater - 06-01-2017

North south or east west?

Bing or Google?

Hamburger or hotdog?

Ketchup or mustard?

Mario or Luigi?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - PigSnout - 06-01-2017

1. I see that you went to college at Northern Iowa. Do you think coming from a smaller school will impact your transition to the pros?

2. Which NFL running back do you model your play style most after?

3. Do you care more about individual stats or about team success?

4. Since you are a speed back, do you still like to break tackles or do you prefer to use your speed to avoid contact?

5. Do you like to play a receiving role or do you prefer to simply be a pure runner?

RB Demetrius Wiley Last Minute Pre Draft Presser - Valtookan - 06-01-2017

1. 6'1" and a Speed Back! Do you see yourself becoming a pass-catcher as well?

2. If you could pick a lightsaber color which would it be and why?

3. Favorite formation to run out of?

4. Do you have a player you want to be matched up with in the draft?

5. What was your greatest achievement in College ball?