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With the 22nd Pick, Colorado Yeti select... - Printable Version

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With the 22nd Pick, Colorado Yeti select... - Ltsmashie - 06-02-2017

True to form, Tiernan wasn't watching the draft, he turned down his agents pleas to allow cameras to follow him on draft day, something his agent felt would help boost his profile and secure some lucrative sponsorship deals.
Tiernan was where you'd often find him when he wants to get away from it all, from the distractions of the draft and all of the media publicity that goes along with it, Tiernan was in his church, his place of solitude - Tiernan was in the gym.

With all the rest of the usual College football players that used this facility glued to the television, Tiernan was alone. He had plans to make it to a friends house for the alter rounds, but he didn't have a time in mind, just whenever he was done with his routine.

His phone was going off all day, with messages far and wide wishing him good luck, from his old room-mates, his former coaches, and everyone else who had managed to get the phone number of the man known as the "The Tullow Tank".

The missed call's mounted up before the draft started, well wishers being ignored in favour of floor exercises designed to "open up" the big man's hips - flexibility something which Tiernan always regarded as key.
As the bell rang, and the Orange County Otters selected /Defensive Tackle JJ Reigns as the first player to be drafted in the NFSL, Tiernan was still working on intricate body weight exercises - no mean feat for a man that ways 240lbs.

Three rounds in, with players coming and going, and the whatsapp groups with which Tiernan was a part off message counts ticking over into the thousands, Tiernan still hadn't checked in to see who had been drafted to this point, he had even almost forgotten about his little prop bet with Scottish Running Back Kieran O'Connell.... almost.

As the San Jose Sabercats selected the 6ft 6 speed rusher, Greg Taylor out of North Carolina, at 21st Overall, Tiernan was climbing ropes, from the ground to the roof of the gym, all twenty feet of it, and back down. He wouldn't wrap his legs around the rope, solely focusing on grip and forearm strength to hoist his bulky frame up and down the rope. He had been doing this type of exercise for so long that he made it look pedestrian despite the obvious difficulty.
His phone had been silent since the draft started, with everyone put on block with the exception of the six GM's phone numbers programmed into his phone by his agent.

Just as Tiernan approached the roof, for the third time, his arms now burning and sweat dripping down his face, the phone finally rang. Tiernan glanced across the gym at the big clock on the wall "6.32pm, the draft is half an hour in - I guess I'm going early" Tiernan thought to himself as he descaled the rope.

His heart was pounding in his chest, while mostly because of his work out, there was also the knowing feeling that this phone call was going to change his life.
As the phone rang for the sixth time, Tiernan was already thinking about how he was going to apologise for leaving it ringing so long, he picked it up and went to swipe across on this phone call that he dreamt about since declaring for the draft.

"Luke Tiernan, it's InciteHysteria, do you mind looking at the message we've just sent you through?"

Tiernan remained speechless, he know exactly who he was talking to, but with his heart in his mouth, he couldn't muster up a word. He removed his phone from his ear and scrolled to the latest message received.

[Image: hISyERC.jpg]

"Luke Tiernan - Running Back #23, Pick 22, Colorado Yeti"

He had done it, years of hard work, dedication, sweat, injuries and tears, and after it all he is now Ireland's first professional American Football player. And more than that he is pick 22 in the draft.

"Thank you so much sir, I feel absolutely honoured that you have selected me to play for your side." Said Tiernan.

"You're panting hard Son, have I just interrupted you with your girlfriend or something?"

"No sir, I'm just doing a bit of rope climbing"

"Haha OK Luke, well keep up the hard work and we're all looking forward to you playing for the Yeti."

Tiernan could here loud applause in the background as the GM of the Yeti hung up the phone.
A smile broke over Tiernan's face, but he still had one nagging feeling at the back of his mind.

He was 22nd overall pick, surely he was picked ahead of Kieran O'Connell. He did a quick google for the NSFL draft, and sure enough, he had not yet been picked.
Tiernan, got straight back into his gym routine, his friends could wait he thought to himself.

Tiernan was on cloud nine, if you could bottle that feeling you would be the richest man on earth.

History had been made, the hopes and dreams of a nation had been fulfilled, Ireland had their first thoroughbred competing in the world of professional American Football.

In many way's the draft couldn't have gone better for the powerful Running Back from the little known town of Tullow, Ireland.

Drafted in the fourth round, 22nd overall and above where the majority of commentators and fans had projected him to go, only the second running back off the board and his switchover from the sport of Rugby finally vindicated.

Things continued to go from strength to strength for Luke Tiernan as his new team, the Colorado Yeti, drafter the pre-eminent run blocker in the draft, Bender Rodrguez, in the sixth round. It truely looked like the Irishman had joined a team built for the run game, and built to use his abundance of talent.

Even when the Yeti selected Kieran O'Connell in a later round, Tiernan was delighted, for all the sparring on Twitter, Tiernan felt no real animosity towards the Scot. He admired how far the Scot had come, and truly did rate him as a talented running back.

Further to this, as team-mates Tiernan could finally impart some good agricultural knowledge on the man from Glasgow.
Tiernan already knew that their little prop bet was off, he never would have a fellow professional embarrass themselves by declaring them lesser than him, Tiernan always wanted to prove he was better than opponents on the field, words would never suffice. And now that they are on the same team, amends needed to be made.

Tiernan logged onto twitter and was in the process of writing up a congratulatory message to his new team mate, when his agent came running into the gym.
Instantly Tiernan was confused - surely his agent should be hooping and hollering, delighted that his client was drafted so high up in the draft, surely earning but the player and his agent a hefty pay cheque.

"It's your father Luke, there's been an accident...."

When the dust settled, it turned out that Tiernan's father had been involved in a hit and run car accident and was in intensive care, Tiernan had just been drafted and knew that his team required him to show up the next day at his training facility.

As his mind raced, the draft and football went out of his mind...

With the 22nd Pick, Colorado Yeti select... - enigmatic - 06-02-2017

Happy to have you and looking forward to read more media from you


With the 22nd Pick, Colorado Yeti select... - TheLoopster - 06-02-2017

Very happy to have a teammate who's such a great writer.