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*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - Printable Version

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*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - BWIII - 06-14-2018

Brock Weathers walks out from behind a screen that is filled with Philadelphia Liberty logos wearing the jersey presented to his grand son after he was selected with the last pick in the first round of the S8 NSFL draft. He walks up to a table that is set up with a bunch of microphone accompanied by a bunch of recorders left up there by reporters and sits down at the lone chair.

"Thank you all who have come out here today to come speak with me. It's an exciting time for me, not only because of the current DSFL season and what they're doing down there in San Antonio, but also because it's been not even 24 hours since it was announced I'll be stepping in as the new Co-GM for the Philadelphia Liberty. As I step into this new role I thought it would be a good time to take some questions. Feel free to ask whatever you want and let's get this going."

Brock puts on one of his big smiles as he eagerly awaits the questions. Smile

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Reporter ExemplaryChad
Quote:What do you think you can do to avoid the fate of your predecessors and stick around for the long term?
I think the fact that my grand son was drafted with the Liberty's first round pick in the S7 NSFL draft went a long way in getting me started with them. When you come to a new league or sport as an outsider and you're looking for a new team it's often times the first thing to grab you that makes you a fan for the long haul. With that said though, just because that's what brought me here to this team, it's not what is going to make me stay. I see this as a challenge of sorts. The previous regime gutted and left this team almost for dead; alright that may be a bit harsh, but really we've got a lot of work ahead of us and I look forward to this journey.

Quote:What skills do you think you bring to the table?
Well I've been around for a long time and I've seen all kinds of leagues and general managers alike. I've been a first round draft pick and I've been and expansion draft pick. Most importantly I have been a general manager before, albeit many years ago, but I've been there and done it. On top of everything though, I think I'm a great people person and get along with just about everybody I've ever met. I also fancy myself as a shrewd, but fair negotiator.

Quote:Do you have any core players you're trying to build around on the roster yet?
To be honest there's not a whole lot left of a core. We'll be going into next season with some good guys don't get me wrong, but I believe the true core of the Liberty will be built with the next two drafts. We're going to bring in a lot of good guys who are also good players and help establish a great culture here in Philadelphia, one that seems to have been lost recently. So for now Brock is going to come up next season, which will be great , and we'll have Fox North and Carter Bush still on offense, but overall the core is still being built.

Quote:What are the lessons you can learn from other teams who are rebuilding or have recently rebuilt?
To be fair every rebuild is unique in its own way, but there are definitely teams I think that can be looked at and see what they did and see if there's anything we can apply. One such team that has been interesting is the Colorado Yeti. Prior to this season they were on a 6-64 record and this past season they went 6-8 and are poised to push for a playoff spot next season most likely. I think their fans are genuinely excited after being a laughing stock for so long. I haven't looked too much into the particulars of their rebuild so I can't compare and contrast, but they definitely look to have turned their ship around.

Reporter Roly
Quote:Can you describe what your GM philosophy will be?
My philosophy starts with the locker room. I think we need to build up a culture and atmosphere of great guys that are out here to compete and play for one another and genuinely like to be around each other. I think once you establish that other things start to fall in place. As we're headed for a rebuild that will be one of the main things that will need to be strong in order to succeed. We need strong minds and great people overall. We're going to be active on all fronts, trades, free agency, and the draft in order to achieve this and we're going to be very aggressive.

Quote:Is Philadelphia prepared for the rebuild you're obviously heading into after the trades in the past weeks? Only one season removed from the Ultimus isn't this a drastic turn?
It is a drastic turn, but we've got to face the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. Yes we were champs not too long ago, but things outside of the current management's hands happened and we are where we are. We've got a great fan base and great history, but a rebuild is what's in the cards for us now. Some might find that bad, but I find it not only a challenge, but also invigorating. We get to help set the baseline for the team from day one. We have a good amount of draft picks right now and we get to basically choose who we want to help set the baseline for future Liberty.

Reporter Moosecop
Quote:Why did you want to step into the team's front office so early in your career?
To be honest, I saw a bad situation that seemingly no one wanted to step into and I saw it as a challenge. With Brock being drafted with the Liberty first round pick in the last draft I figured that it was a good time to buy all in on the team. I also don't back down when I see a challenge so basically I'm going to be grabbing the bull by the horns and try to see if I come out alive on the other end.

Quote:Are you a cat or dog person?
Almost any day you ask me that I'd respond with dog, but if I'm being honest with myself I'd say both. Most of my life I've had dogs, but there have been a few cats in between. The first pet I remember having as a child was this big Newfoundland mix named Bear. I say mixed because that thing was bigger than any Newfoundland I've ever seen. He was the best pet. I also had a black cat with yellow eyes named Spooky and she was awesome as well. Both those pets died by the time I was 10 so I learned at a somewhat early age about heart break and death.

Quote:Why are the Marshals the best DSFL franchise?
You can go on and on about records and championships, but honestly I don't care about those when it comes to the DSFL. When I look at players in the DSFL I look for guys that are putting on for each other and for the city they are playing in and I honestly don't see a better example of that than in San Antonio. Not only that, but overall they seem to set their players up for success in the NSFL. Being able to groom young men for their future is tough business and they have a storied history of being able to do just that.

*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - ExemplaryChad - 06-14-2018

What do you think you can do to avoid the fate of your predecessors and stick around for the long term?

What skills do you think you bring to the table?

Do you have any core players you're trying to build around on the roster yet?

What are the lessons you can learn from other teams who are rebuilding or have recently rebuilt?

*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - Roly - 06-14-2018

Can you describe what your GM philosophy will be?

Is Philadelphia prepared for the rebuild you're obviously heading into after the trades in the past weeks? Only one season removed from the Ultimus isn't this a drastic turn?

*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - BWIII - 06-14-2018

I just wanted to clear things up this is OG granddaddy Brock Weathers, not current San Antonio Marshall's Brock Weathers III Big Grin

*Brock Weathers new PHI Co-GM Presser - Moosecop - 06-14-2018

Why did you want to step into the team's front office so early in your career?

Are you a cat or dog person?

Why are the Marshals the best DSFL franchise?