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*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - Printable Version

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*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - RealWackolyte - 06-28-2018

Oskar Ludvig has been affectionately been given the nickname The Norwegian Demon by his team mates in San Antonio and as the draft nears closer every day it is becoming more and more evident that Ludvig will be a top prospect in this class. His superior ball control skills in the back field makes him a dynamic threat and his versatility to play all defensive back positions will make him a key contributor at the top levels of the NSFL. Today, he takes the podium to answer your pre-draft questions.

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - YoungTB - 06-28-2018

When and where do you think you should be drafted?

Would you consider San Antonio's season a success or a failure?

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - Moosecop - 06-28-2018

You had an amazing season, before it started did you think you'd be able to make as big an impact as you did?

Do you think you're ready to make the leap straight to the NSFL after this season or are you planning on staying in San Antonio another year?

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - RealWackolyte - 06-28-2018

When and where do you think you should be drafted?
I have no idea where my draft stock lies at this exact moment, but I have been talking to a lot of general managers the last couple of day's and have been fielding pressers in order to try and gain some traction leading up to draft night. I feel that with my performance during the regular season and small contribution in playoffs to this team, I should be more than ready to contribute at a higher level which will have me fall higher in the draft then I initially predicted I would at the beginning of this season. Currently I would say my draft stock and positional need has me falling somewhere between 5th and 8th overall, but that's just a ball park estimate.

Would you consider San Antonio's season a success or a failure?
As much as I want to say that the season was a success due to all the amazing things we did during the regular season and the records some of our guys set, I think all in all it was a failure simply because we didn't have the metal to finish. When you bring together a group of guys like we did, and see us have success all through the regular season before dropping and failing in playoffs, it's hard to cope with as not only a player, but a loyalist to the Marshals. It was heartbreaking to lose out like we did, and it's going to take some time to get it through my head that there's always going to be next year.

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - 37thchamber - 06-28-2018

Are there any moments in your career so far that you're particularly proud of?

Is there any current NSFL player you look up to or that you'd consider to be similar to you?

Assuming you're playing in the NSFL next season, who are you most looking forward to lining up opposite?

(also, PROTIP, edit your responses into the first post for easier grading)

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - RealWackolyte - 07-02-2018

You had an amazing season, before it started did you think you'd be able to make as big an impact as you did?
If I'm being honest, I had no idea that I was going to accomplish the things I did this season, and I honestly wouldn't have expected it out of myself. I was never the type of guy to completely blow past people into open field for defensive touchdowns, and usually played a more relaxed coverage style of corner back, but I can't say I'm not liking the changes. Getting interceptions and hearing the crowd roar is one of the most addictive things in the entire world. I also think that being a rookie played a major role in where I thought my season would go. Being a first year player, you can't come into the start of a season with the same level as confidence that a veteran might have, so the learning curve was monstrous.

Do you think you're ready to make the leap straight to the NSFL after this season or are you planning on staying in San Antonio another year?
I haven't really decided where my career will lead yet but at the moment I'm looking more down the path of staying a second season in the DSFL with the Marshals. We were building something really great here before a bad luck game against the Luchadores took us down. No one can say that they were the better team, because our roster was teeming with some of the brightest faces in the football world from Fitzy to Brown to Barnes to the Marchand's. Everything was in place, and with some of those guys being likely to return for a second run at it (if not all) we have more of a chance than ever to complete what we started and I think that everyone else is ready to do that too. I don't know if it's a question of being ready, it's more a question of do I want redemption, and the anwer is quite simple. Yes.

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - RealWackolyte - 07-03-2018

Are there any moments in your career so far that you're particularly proud of?
I think there is a very obvious answer to this one, and it's me breaking the defensive touchdowns record this season with the Marshals. As I flew down the field on that fateful drive, I knew I was making history and it gave me godlike speed to think of my name being in the hall of legends. Another moment that made me very proud was when I first came to the Marshals, and the team immediately took to handing me the nickname of "The Norwegian Demon" which I adopted completely. Having that name gave me an identity in this league, and allowed me to grow into a better player because of it. People often underestimate what comfort and chemistry can do for a team. They worked wonders for me.

Is there any current NSFL player you look up to or that you'd consider to be similar to you?
I think a big idol of mine is Dermot Lavelle of the Yellowknife Wraiths. Lavelle is widely considered one of the most developed defensive players in league history, and if he were part of an elite defensive back unit would probably be putting up some of the best numbers in the entire league. He finally got his chance to win an Ultimus last season and I think that everything that he has accomplished in his career thus far stacks up with where I want to see myself in a few years. There's a distinct lack of talent in the defensive back area for the NSFL, so I believe that I have ample room to do exactly that.

Assuming you're playing in the NSFL next season, who are you most looking forward to lining up opposite?
There's a lot of great quarterbacks in the league right now, especially young guys. There's been rumors that Fitzpatrick could be moving up into the pro circuit, and if that happens I would love to be on the other side of the ball from him and show that it really depends on who he's throwing against as to how successful he is. If Fitzpatrick stays down though, young guys like Applehort, Maximus, and Pennington have my name written all over them. Of course in terms of who I'm covering there is some really great receivers around the league right now, but Bradley Westfield is definitely a name that gets me super excited. He's been a stud in the NSFL for years, but now that he's reaching the peak of his career he'll be even more fun to play against.

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - Ramero - 07-03-2018

If you were to be drafted to any NSFL team right now who would it be? (Colorado of course :eyesSmile

If you were to stay down in the DSFL for another season, what type of impact do you think you would have?

If you were to stay down in the DSFL for another season, do you think the Marshals would be likely to take home the championship trophy?

*The Norwegian Demon Pre-Draft Presser - speculadora - 07-03-2018

You've made a noble effort and worked your way into the conversation with some of the top prospects in the draft. Do you expect your draft position to reflect that?