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Veteran Recreate Bonus - Printable Version

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Veteran Recreate Bonus - RedCydranth - 06-28-2018

A lot of players are reaching the point in their career where they are deciding to retire because of career regression being imminent. I understand this, from a logical point of view. Why spend hard earned TPE on a player making up for lost TPE due to aging. Just recreate and start fresh.

What if we had a "Veteran Appreciation Bonus" that is given to the user? Here's how it'd work.

User A makes a player, Throwy Throwson. Throwson goes through the DSFL and is drafted by the Liberty and plays his career there, maybe gets traded to Colorado or San Jose. whatever. Throwson plays 9 years in the NSFL and decides to hang up his cleats. For taking his player to Regression, User A is given a 10 TPE bonus for every character he creates.

User A makes a new player. Runny Runson, but he now can have 60 TPE to build the character. He does the same thing. Plays his season in the DSFL and plows through the NSFL for 9 years and once he feels regression is too difficult, he hangs up the cleats and calls it a career. For hitting regression again, User A is awarded a 2nd 10 TPE bonus.

User A makes a new player. Sacky Sackson, but now he has 70 TPE to build him with due to taking 2 players to regression. Sacky only plays 5 years before he's sick of it and wants to retire Sacky. Because he did not reach regression, he does not get the Veteran Appreciation Bonus for Sacky.

User A makes Throwy Throwson Jr. He still has 70 TPE to make him. Just because his last recreate wasn't a regression character does not nullify the 20 TPE he earned from the first 2 characters.

This would go on, but cap at 100 TPE, as to to completely offset regression.

Also, I think a TPE earned* Minimum should be implemented, so that inactivity is not rewarded. Like, say, Cooper Christmas has technically been a player in the NSFL since S1. If his user came back, and decided to retire, he'd be ineligible since he does not have the TPE minimum to qualify. What that number is, would have to be determined. 500 TPE earned* sounds reasonable, to me.

* Earned = TPE gained from doing PTs, prediction, Minicamps, etc etc. NOT initial starting TPE.

For most veterans, having the money that stays on the account isn't that big of a big deal. I think having this incentive to give to players who see their careers to regression is a little "Thank you for your appreciation and sticking it out."

Any thoughts on this?

Also... I've been on 3 Otters championship teams, Why do I still only have 2 trophies. Who do I gotta blow to get this rectified?



Users who have a player who plays at least 1 year into regression earn a reusable 10 TPE Veteran Bonus to their recreates.
Veteran Bonus caps at 50 TPE.
Only applies if Player EARNED a specific amount of TPE in their career (500? 600?)

Veteran Recreate Bonus - AdamS - 06-28-2018

Its referred to as carryover. Its an existing concept that seven been discussing but is ultimately incredibly controversial and according to some folks "LEAGUE BREAKING".

The current prevailing opinion is that the fact that bank accounts carry over to your next player is a bonus on and of itself.

Veteran Recreate Bonus - run_CMC - 06-28-2018

give him his third trophy dammit

Veteran Recreate Bonus - tlk742 - 06-28-2018

I see the Avon Blocksdale school of player naming is alive and well...

Veteran Recreate Bonus - RedCydranth - 06-29-2018

(06-28-2018, 06:50 PM)AdamS Wrote:Its referred to as carryover. Its an existing concept that seven been discussing but is ultimately incredibly controversial and according to some folks "LEAGUE BREAKING".

The current prevailing opinion is that the fact that bank accounts carry over to your next player is a bonus on and of itself.

I obviously disagree. We've been playing this game for a calendar year now. Is a 10 TPE bonus for those Users who have kept their player since S1 (soon to be S2) really too "Game Breaking"? by the time someone reaches that 50 TPE maximum, NSFL will have to be 5 years old. Anyone who has given this site that kind of loyalty deserves some sort of thanks. And that's ONLY if they have 5 players who've played fully into regression each time. Even among all the people who've been here since S1, there's only a handful of people who still are clinging to their S1 players, like Tweed, Winchester, Saint and Bronko who're plowing through on their S1 guys, and then you got guys like Keyg_an who's on like their 3rd or 4th player. Reward the guys who have the nuts to play it out.

Keeping your bank account doesn't reward the longevity of the player. Whether you retire 3 years into a player or 10, you keep the bankroll. I'm saying give those who have dedication something for their loyalty.

Also.... I finally got my third trophy so WOOT! Thanks to whomever did that. I greatly appreciate that.

Veteran Recreate Bonus - AdamS - 06-29-2018

the floor is of course open for those who have expressed their disapproval of carryover to respond here

Veteran Recreate Bonus - 37thchamber - 06-29-2018

pretty sure I covered my opinion on this already here

still think you can't please everyone whichever way you go on this, so the only logical solution is to find some acceptable compromise.

but hey what do I know?

Veteran Recreate Bonus - Toasty - 06-29-2018

I am all for this and I agree with 37th how big of a advantage do you give them? And when? This has and will always be a debate, but I am going on record right now and saying yes the vets that go to regression as an active really do deserve an advantage. This could also be an incentive for people like keyg_an and official dt to stick with a player until regression

Veteran Recreate Bonus - RedCydranth - 06-29-2018

(06-29-2018, 04:38 AM)37thchamber Wrote:pretty sure I covered my opinion on this already here

still think you can't please everyone whichever way you go on this, so the only logical solution is to find some acceptable compromise.

but hey what do I know?

Just read through a good lot of that. interesting discussion... if that's what you wanna call half of that.

I think my proposition is a compromise to that.

Here's the argument against the TPE bonus, as I saw on that thread.

Argument: New Players can't be as good as veteran recreates when they have the Veteran Bonus.
Answer: That's the point. It's a reward. I don't get hired at a new job and get mad when the guy who's been there for 20 years gets paid more than me and has healthcare. I can't justifiably demand to get what that guy does. If this upsets someone, tell them to graduate high school and live in the real world. Hard work nets rewards.

Alternatively, you can consider it like natural ability. Some players are just naturally BETTER at a position than others. No matter how much training Mohamed Sanu does, he'll never be Julio Jones. His body isn't as naturally gifted as Julio's. Mohamed Sanu is a decent player, and any user who signs up to the NSFL can make a Sanu or better with minimal effort. However, Julio Jones is the guy who's user has had a few solid recreates and started off with that 20 TPE bonus. And honestly, by my proposition, the absolute MOST he can be over is 50 TPE, and that's after a LONG tome playing in the NSFL (at minimum 5 years if we do 1 full career per calendar year).

The reality is, almost all of us do not do every PT, Prediction, and earn every TPE possible. So, even if you have 5 players who sign up as QBs in a single season, by the end of S3, you're gonna have 5 different TPE totals anyhow.

Plus, TPE isn't necessarily the end all be all for determining how good you are. Look at Mason Brown's stats this season vs Angus Winchester. 300 TPE vs 1200 TPE. They had very similar stat lines considering the 900 TPE difference. Season 5, a rookie, Terrell Brister, led the NSFL in Passes Deflected over vets like Oles, Delacour, Bayley and I and that's literally one of 2 stats we actually use to show how good we are at our position. that and interceptions, which he also tied for first in. So, this whole notion that being 10-50 TPE behind is a game breaking disadvantage is nonsensical.

Maybe in other leagues, and how they do TPE, it is a big deal. But here, it doesn't seem to be as much of an impact as those arguments against this idea would imply.

Veteran Recreate Bonus - 37thchamber - 06-29-2018

Yeah I'm not debating this again. I laid out all my reasoning already.