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Lo Rax Updates - Printable Version

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Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 07-03-2018

TPE Earned
+2 AC
+5 1st Free Workout
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+10 S9 TC

TPE Applied:
Speed: 72 > 75 (15)
Endurance: 65 > 69 1/2 (9)

Lo Rax Updates - CDub2 - 07-14-2018


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 07-16-2018

TPE Earned
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+2 S9 W1 Predictions
+5 S9 Mock Draft
+10 Wiki Page
+1 S9 W2 predictions
+2 PT 1
+2 Weekend PT 1
+4 S9 Budget Shoulder Pads (+2 TPE in Tackle and Strength)

TPE Applied:
Speed: 75 > 75 4/5 (4)
Strength: 70 > 75 (25)
Endurance: 69 1/2 > 70 (1)
Tackling: 55 > 56 (2)
Intelligence: 50 > 50 1/2 (1)

Total TPE: 107

Lo Rax Updates - CDub2 - 07-21-2018


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 07-24-2018

TPE Earned
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+1 W3-4 Predictions

TPE Applied:
Speed: 75 4/5 > 77 2/5 (8)

Total TPE: 115

Lo Rax Updates - CDub2 - 07-28-2018


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 07-30-2018

TPE Earned
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+2 Weekend PT2
+3 PT 2
+2 Week 6 Predictions
+3 Week 7-8 Predictions
+2 Weekend PT3

TPE Applied:
Speed: 77 2/5 > 80 (13)
Strength: 75 > 76 1/5 (6)

Total TPE: 134

Edited to reflect the below post.

Lo Rax Updates - speculadora - 08-05-2018

@Phobospwns the weekend PT is only worth 2 so you're claiming 19. Took the extra TPE out of Strength so that is now 76 1/5 and you have 134 TPE. Updated.

Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 08-06-2018

TPE Earned
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Strength: 76 1/5 > 77 3/5 (7)

Total TPE: 141

Lo Rax Updates - CDub2 - 08-11-2018
