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*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Printable Version

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*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Jiggly_333 - 07-16-2018

Hi everyone, I'm tired

No you're not, you're Jiggly!

Thank you, my mental image of @Aenir which is actually a goomba since his voice reminds me of Gaijin Goomba from Youtube.

Yes, I'm Jiggly; but I am also extremely tired, so I feel like ranting about some things about the league. Do I need the money? Fuck if I know. Do I need the attention? Always, I crave validation due to possible self-image issues and likely self-respect issues (But self-esteem? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY UP HERE!). Do I just want to entertain you? I don't know, ask me when I'm in psycho-analyst mode. Right now I'm feckin tired, bruh.

So, remember this thing? I do. I fuckin loved it. Unfortunately @RainDelay allegedly had better things to do than amuse us assholes. I really don't know, but he stopped making them after just three. And it was probably the funniest thing I've ever read on the site! But I'm gonna try to do my best imitation of him. And just to fuck with you guys, as .gif Queen I've decided to make it music based instead of mostly .gifs (although of course there'll be .gifs, come on!)

Fun fact, I just had some cake, because my sister got it half-price for Bastille Day.

[Image: Let-them-eat-cake-marie-antoinette-30973137-500-269.gif]

Wow, remember when Kirsten Dunst was a thing? Anyways, I guess it's time to get this general roast started. Here's a frequently asked question that I always get:

"Why do you always use .gifs of weird girls and make female characters all the time?"

To which, I could respond: "Gender and sexuality are fluid," but I have absolutely no footing with that argument since I identify with what I was born with and don't exactly have the optics of someone who fights the good fight (some people here do and they are very good people). So I guess I won't take that argument.

One of the other arguments I give is something that explains the .gifs away with something about my horrible self-image and compensating with the idea of "Everyone wants to be beautiful". But that still doesn't explain the player bit quite well enough. I think that the biggest thing that exemplifies why I did it is because of what we're seeing with this draft class. By going out of my way and creating a different character that many new people wouldn't expect to be even allowed here, I set the way for people who are not straight men to make a more accurate image for themselves. While I'm not saying "Without me, there would be no women in the NSFL," I like to see it as my small apology for being a real piece of shit about women and feminism for a few years in junior high and high school until I finally decided I didn't actually hate everyone. Being a teenager is weird. Wait, shit, I am still a teenager! HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHY DID I ACTUALLY STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT I WAS SAYING?!?!?!?!

[Image: 2c7.gif]

So let's get out of that way-too-personal-questions hell-hole! Next up on topics:

"@ErMurazor, amirite?"

[Image: giphy.gif]

Honestly, I'm starting to commend the guy for being able to control all of them. Being a massive part of the league within two different accounts and controlling like, 5 or 6 more aside from those.
This next bit was censored because the league thought that a single throwaway joke in an article was worse than at least two months of shitposts entirely dedicated to insulting users.

[Image: tumblr_ow57efxRAC1r6l2t6o1_500.gif]
So how about this:

"You've only played for one team your entire career. Have you honestly ever considered playing somewhere else?"

No, I have played for another team, they're called the Chicago Blues CHI_Blues and they were the love of my life. I am actually demanding (along with @Muford and maybe @ExemplaryChad) that the Solar Bears be moved back to Chicago. Maybe @PoloPro can even give an okay for it. I mean, he made it originally as a joke about the '85 Bears going to Florida for retirement, so they're still deeply instilled with a Chicago-based identity.

But back to the question at hand about whether I'll go to a different NSFL team: I don't know. I love the Otters too much. I mean, I helped lay the groundwork for the Otter Slaughter three-peat. Hell, if I didn't make that DSFL team, Lexi Jones would have a very different legacy as a GM. I mean, we still would've had @timeconsumer and @Molarpistols, so not much would've changed except for some names.

Cool cool, two paragraphs without answering the question. I'M SO GOOD AT THIS! Well, I have considered only two teams.: The Yellowknife Wraiths and the New Orleans Second Line. When Tegan was a free agent last season, I actually pushed both of them hard to sign me, but neither of them could reach my price. Maybe with my player actually performing they might open their hearts and open their wallets.

And if you got that reference
[Image: giphy.gif]

Speaking of St. Vincent, the only reason I want to join the Wraiths is because of @Bzerkap. He is clearly the best GM in the league and he s being held back by the Wraiths owners and needs a free spending one like the ones in OC or NOLA. And I like NOLA because they seem to have the best LR atmosphere outside of OCO. Plus, they're a young team that was able to drag themselves out of the shadow of HFFO (the villain of the story). So, I'll tag @bovovovo too. Bork bork Bjork, my man.

So we're past 800 words, so I guess I'll try to end this here. I'll probably do another one of these things the next time I'm tired way too early in the day and just need to find something to do. Also, listen to the music. It's good. I linked out to it all for a reason. I promise none of it is my own music and some of it you may even recognize.

Until next time.

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Bzerkap - 07-16-2018

@Jiggly_333 I feel like I've read this before

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 11:20 AM)Bzerkap Wrote:@Jiggly_333 I feel like I've read this before

I was feeling the same way, but there's definitely a picture that wasn't in the piece before so it can't be.

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - bovovovo - 07-16-2018

Am I getting a sense of deja vu

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Bzerkap - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 09:22 AM)HalfEatenOnionBagel Wrote:I was feeling the same way, but there's definitely a picture that wasn't in the piece before so it can't be.
Yea completely different

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 11:30 AM)bovovovo Wrote:Am I getting a sense of deja vu

If your deja vu lasts more than two hours see a doctor

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Jiggly_333 - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 10:20 AM)Bzerkap Wrote:@Jiggly_333 I feel like I've read this before
No you haven't. Completely original and brand new. Definitely doesn't insult any members of this community and has no business being in the Thunderdome.

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Bzerkap - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 09:54 AM)Jiggly_333 Wrote:No you haven't. Completely original and brand new. Definitely doesn't insult any members of this community and has no business being in the Thunderdome.
My mistake

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - ErMurazor - 07-16-2018

The clone gif is insulting. Those guys are all the same.

I put a lot of effort into making unique, fun personalities for you guys.

Please move to the TD.

*Jiggly's Tired: A series sans sleep - Jiggly_333 - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 03:24 PM)ErMurazor Wrote:The clone gif is insulting. Those guys are all the same.

I put a lot of effort into making unique, fun personalities for you guys.

Please move to the TD.
If you watch the animated series, each of them do develop their own personalities, despite coming from the same DNA.