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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Printable Version

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(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Oles - 08-03-2018


Written: Must Include 150 Words. Write about a time where you were almost in a bad situation. Whether it's close to being in a car accident, falling down stairs, or anything that could cause harm.

Graphic: Make a graphic showing the incident. Include your render and 1 other object to signify the event that took place.

This task is worth 2 TPE

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline: Sunday, August 5th, 11:59 PST

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Oles - 08-03-2018

When Kazimir was a young kid he had a close call with some wild animals. Having been on a camping trip and wandering off, Kazimir found himself in a bad situation when he happened upon some deer, while the deer weren’t harmless, his childlike wonder was. He went chasing after the deer and out of nowhere follows them to a bear out in the distance. The kid was startled, you know, not every day you see a bear, and not every day you almost die to a bear. Had it not been for his father watching closely and seeing that he was missing, and eventually following his footsteps and the tracks of deer, Kazimir might have been killed before he could ever join the NSFL. This was a valuable lesson for the young kid, and he learned that he should pay attention and not just chase everything he sees out in the world. (153 words)

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - speculadora - 08-03-2018

[Image: 1mfYnrm.jpg]

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Muford - 08-03-2018

A big issue has happened throughout Sharpei’s time at New Orleans and it can now come out since he has retired. There was a big issue with one person in the locker room, who wanted to see Sharpei fail, and would do anything and everything in his power to do so. He used to put leaches in his clothes, hide his spikes, and the worst of all was right before he was traded he cut Sharpei’s brake lines. Vincent Sharpei tried to be a humble man and take it as pranks, but his good teammate Blackford Oakes warned him that wasn’t pranks but Jaylon Braxton actually trying to end Sharpei’s existence. After all this happened, Braxton was exposed and traded immediately to Orange County. Sources say that Braxton couldn’t handle the pressure of being near such an amazing person and that is what drove him to try and kill Vincent Sharpei.

(151 words)



(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Rabidsponge21 - 08-03-2018

African Safaris - More Dangerous that you might think.

Growing up in the Captial, Kwame normally didnt have to worry about the harsh nature of the african plains, but as is with every true warrior, he was tasked with heading out there to prove his mental - physical and football related skills + Fortitude to his prospective scouts, family and nation. Carrying the flag of his family, he marched into the wilderness to do the one thing that would accomplish this, and have the scouts finally notice him, bringing him to the big game. Tackling a lion mid hunt. Now many of you are thinking this is crazy talk, but if you can sprint at JUST the right time, take down a lion quickly, stunning it, you can make a safe retreat with out them even know what the hell just happened. This is the truest of tests and training for a future DE in the NSFL. Be unseen, strike quickly, then fade away again to be a surprise with every rush.

Kwame did suffer some minor scratches and bruises, but the real injury was those waiting to happen to any RB and QB in the seasons to come...both mentally and physically.


(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Nathan_Hall - 08-03-2018

Written: Must Include 150 Words. Write about a time where you were almost in a bad situation. Whether it's close to being in a car accident, falling down stairs, or anything that could cause harm.

One of A.J.'s most humiliating moments, it's often told at family gatherings and holiday dinners. During high school, being a two-way baseball and football star, he had to obsessively train for both. As a result, his grades suffered, but as he put it, "To hell with the grades. I don't give a f*** about them." Well, as the school star, he got lots of extra help and at filled theaters, he got seats, in a crowded café line, somebody got him a coffee, stuff like that. Well one night, he was working out late in a gym as the owner had allowed him to stay as long as he closed up after he was done. Well he was getting tired, and as he lifted weights, he must've grabbed the wrong one. It felt like it weighed thousands of pounds! A.J. couldn't put it back, and he was trapped under it! Tired and humiliated, A.J. slept under the dumbbell. The next morning, the gym manager entered the gym ready to yell at A.J. for not closing the gym but instead found him sleeping under the dumbbell. He tried to wake him up, but after A.J. woke he told him he couldn't lift it off. The story made the headlines, and to this day his old teammates tease him about it.

For the record, the heaviest weight ever lifted is 6,270 lbs by Paul Anderson in 1957 (Guinness World Records.)

Go TIJ !

238 words

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - RedCydranth - 08-03-2018

Marc Spector has had a plethora of close calls. It comes with the territory of exploring in Southeast Asia and Australia. In fact there's more things in Australia trying to kill you than there are things trying not to. It's like a real life video game up in there.

One time he was on a backpacking expedition from Darwin to Broome. He was hoofing it along the coast he and his packmate, Rufus, sat down in some dry brush. The day was hot and they were covered in sweat. Well, Rufus must have sat on the wrong spot because soon there was a rush of small creatures crawling up their skin. Marc recognized them as Red backed spiders. Normally pretty reclusive, these little spiders like to relax in dry places, like brush and brambles. And it would appear there were a bunch in these brambles. Not fatal if one bites you, it can cause a lot of pain and numbness and without anti-venom, it has been known to cause nerve or tissue damage if unchecked. But being bit by multiple could cause a a heart attack or brain damage. Marc swiped his off before they felt the desire to bite, but Rufus wasn't so lucky. He got a bite on his neck and had to rush back to Darwin to get treated. From there he had to go it alone, because he didn't want to turn back with Rufus.

The next day, Marc wanted to take a dip in the ocean to cool off. The buddy system normally helps with this. One swims, the other watches for shark, but it was so hot, Marc decided to survey and take a quick dip in the water. After finding a spot with pretty clear water, he saw no fins or sharks. He took a dip in the water. About a minute or so in, he felt one of the most excruciating pains he'd ever felt. It felt like something poked him in the leg with a syringe. His leg started to throb within a minute and he battled the pain and waves to get back on land. He knew he was in very imminent danger. He looked down to see a small circular shape on his leg. Irukandki. The world's worst jellyfish. It's small as a fingernail, and one solid strike can kill if you're not aware of it. He climbed back to his backpack and grabbed a syringe of morphine and shot it into his leg. He felt like it was going to burn and melt off. He laid in the sand, with his heart rate in the near 200s per minute. He picked up his sat phone and called back to Darwin for a helicopter to come get him. 20 minutes later, a chopper came and got him, giving him heart medication. Marc had begun hallucinations by this point and didn't remember much after making the call. If he hadn't acted the moment he did, he likely would have drown from the pain cramps, or from heart issues or dehydration as he lay delirious in the beach sand.

519 words (Sorry I get verbose lol)

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Trautner - 08-03-2018

Danny Grithead got into a lot of trouble as a student both through high school and college. While in high school, Grithead was frequently caught breaking into the local LA Fitness after closing hours. But can you really blame him? How can gyms close when the grind never stops? Grithead clearly thought the same, so he found himself smashing the glass of the back door pretty much daily. Finally, one night the police caught him in the act, so he was held in jail overnight. Grithead was given a fine and a warning, but the very next night he tried to break into LA Fitness again. Clearly that low Wonderlic score and IQ was demonstrating itself. Grithead got into a lot of trouble and was thus ignored by most colleges for football, so he had to go to Last Chance U. At Last Chance U, however, he faced some of the same issues. Now, as a Coyote, he has matured a bit but the Coyotes gym staff just doesn't report him to the police.

174 words

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - LattimoreIsland - 08-03-2018

Well, Maxwell has always been a clumsy guy. He never could really fit in places and would always bump his head on doorways. It's not a good situation. One day Max was getting really heated in an argument with his parents. He got really pissed and ran to go to his room. Then BANG, he hit his head on the top of his door. Next thing he knows, he's in the ER with a concussion. Maxwell has the suddenly realization that he hit his head so hard that he knocked himself out. As he's laughing, the doctors tell him that if he would've hit himself any harder, he could've done some serious damage. After he recovered, Max could tell that everyone was making fun of him at school. Nobody actually laughed in his face because they didn't want to get beat up, but they were talking in small whispers. This caused Max to go into a minor depression and contemplated playing football. But he said "I'm a grown a** man, f*** the haters." So two close calls from one incident.

(S9) - Weekend PT 4 - Close Call - Leafs4ever - 08-03-2018

I'll never forget the night that almost ended my football career. It was a clear and crisp summer night in July. My friends and I had just left an open bar wedding, so needless to say we were quite trashed. Walking home, we cut through an open field. From there we saw a huge tree that we knew needed to be climbed. In my dress clothes and dress shoes, I started the ascent. One of my friends was watching from the ground, and lucky that he was, because about half way up, my foot slipped off the branch and I was airborne, falling straight to the ground. As I was waiting for the inevitable fall and broken back that results from said fall, my friend on the ground ran underneath me to catch me. Bless his heart, he got there in time, but it was less of a catch and more him breaking my fall. The poor bastard got flattened and took my whole weight on him. Thank God he or I weren't seriously hurt. A couple of scrapes and ripped shirts, but that was the extent. I thank him every day for saving me from something so much worse. Nowadays, we call an Uber, or just avoid walking through any open fields with tempting trees to climb.

(218 words)