Kevin Fitzpatrick is a proud American, so on Memorial Day he turns on a baseball game, which used to be America’s favorite past time. He tunes in early, in time for the playing of the National Anthem, and places his hand on his heart. However, not wanting to be appear to himself to be unsympathetic to the concerns of protestors or free speech in general, he momentarily kneels, just for a couple of seconds, to show his support. Then he rises back up, and begins feeling self-conscious that the gesture didn’t last long enough, and might be considered a mockery, so he kneels down again, and once again rises back up. Feeling as though he’d done as much as he can for patriotism and civil disobedience, he stands awkwardly as the anthem continues, his heart rate increased now from the combination of awkwardness and what were, effectively, two lunges. Having done both lunges on the same leg, he quickly does two on the opposite leg to balance out, though he realizes that the first two were more deliberate, so he adds a third, then, foolishly, a fourth, which was too much. Now he has to go back to the first leg, repeating over and over until he is well past 200 words. God Bless America.