So, this isn't particularly the most original answer, but the way I would naturally want to answer this question is combining Akane with the Silverback mascot of New York. Indeed, thematically, that is the point of Akane in her first place. The "anger trances" that she gets into were, outside of this RP, thematically tied around primates and simians. She'd get really fucking angry, lose all sense of cognition, and go on a furious rampage with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. Oftentimes I'd describe the post she'd get into during these trances literally as "silverback-like", and she often even pounds her chest like one as a means of showing superiority to whomever she is fighting. Hell, as I said many times before, Saruta literally has the word for monkey, "saru", buried in it, and that was 200% intentional. Yes, silverbacks are not traditionally considered monkeys (even if in strict taxonomical terms they are, apparently! TIL myself, tbh.), but you get my point. The combination is right there, and I'd be crazy for not at least acknowledging it. And as for what the supercharged silverback Akane can do? Imagine she has the frame and strength of a silverback, but still mantaining the higher cognitive function of a human. She'd be murdering people on the field, plain and simple. Greatest defender of all time.
But I also understand if that's considered a bit of a boring, or at least a cop-out answer. So I want to try to combine two mascots together that no one has tried before yet. My first thought would be to take the Birddog of Dallas, since Dallas is my favorite team. What would be a natural pairing with the birddog? My mind immediately latched onto the Grey Ducks of Minnesota. Thematically, this already works since Minnesota and Dallas are, as of this season, the respective best teams in each DSFL conference, so combining the two together should be scary in that sense alone. But imagine a hunting dog joining forces with the very same duck they were meant to hunt. I'm sure they'd be the ultimate duo for any brawl or melee. The dog would probably be the main fighter of the two, but the duck can help by providing lift or occassionally pecking the eyes out of whoever dares to fight against the duo. And if there's a hunting dog, there's probably a hunter nearby too that can give firing support. The duo, or perhaps trio, would be an unstoppable force of super battle brothers that would smash all competition!
But I also understand if that's considered a bit of a boring, or at least a cop-out answer. So I want to try to combine two mascots together that no one has tried before yet. My first thought would be to take the Birddog of Dallas, since Dallas is my favorite team. What would be a natural pairing with the birddog? My mind immediately latched onto the Grey Ducks of Minnesota. Thematically, this already works since Minnesota and Dallas are, as of this season, the respective best teams in each DSFL conference, so combining the two together should be scary in that sense alone. But imagine a hunting dog joining forces with the very same duck they were meant to hunt. I'm sure they'd be the ultimate duo for any brawl or melee. The dog would probably be the main fighter of the two, but the duck can help by providing lift or occassionally pecking the eyes out of whoever dares to fight against the duo. And if there's a hunting dog, there's probably a hunter nearby too that can give firing support. The duo, or perhaps trio, would be an unstoppable force of super battle brothers that would smash all competition!