International Simulation Football League
(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Baron1898 - 01-20-2020

As a player fresh out of her first (and only) DSFL season, I feel like I can have some valuable advice to give to any new rookies. The NSFL and DSFL are wonderful leagues, but if you don’t know your way around, you can very easily get lost in the shuffle or potentially cripple your career before it can take off. I think that I would take some rookies for a day tour around a few stadiums, into locker rooms and into the offices of many different coordinators. If there’s one advantage that the NSFL has over competitor leagues, it’s the alumni support - players past and present will almost always line up to help and guide rookies as they take the first steps of their professional careers. I think that this will also stress the importance of teamwork and fair play to the rookies. Many a team culture has been crippled by showboating or selfish actions - it’s a team sport, and individual heroics always come after the success of the team itself. But most important of all, this can show the rookies how to have fun! Each team has a unique and vibrant locker room culture, and exposure to the kinds of fun and activities that go on in these rooms is something every rookie should have. I’d introduce the rookies to some teammates so that they can gain valuable one on one advice and perspectives from older stars.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - pazuzu - 01-20-2020


(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Vorshayla - 01-20-2020

I would show said rookie first, where my gear is located so he can make sure I get my gear on time during the season. After all, what's the point of having a rookie if you can't haze him.

Once that's done, I would point out where to get tasks for TPE to improve his player so he can be noticed quickly by the league. I would also try to include him in any discussions off-topic or the sort so that they feel welcomed into the community they are about to join.

I would also bookmark helpful links and share them with the rookie in case they get overwhelmed since there is a lot of happenings and goings in a league of this size.

Lastly, I would make sure they keep their own records of their own earnings for monies as well as TPE earned because mistakes do happen. If there is a discrepancy I would make sure to show the rookie where they can go to argue their point and try to get it changed.

I would also tell the rookie to enjoy themselves and to have fun. That's the whole purpose of joining a new community after-all, to have fun and make new friends. Except Jeffrey. F that guy.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Opera_Phantom - 01-20-2020

First of all, i would check if his position was not QB. If it was, i would inform him on the world of pain that awaits his DSFL/NSFL career. Being a QB is pretty cool to get into girls good graces (I know), but since there aren't many spots for one, you need 2 things: a lot of time to spend on the game. The second thing, is even more time.
After this small introduction on the QB position, i would explain that these type of sims games look complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it gets pretty simple. If, like me, they are playing a game based on a forum and on discord for the first time, it might look a bit strange that the updates are not automatic. It is important that he understands how this works.
I would also assure him or her that this game only requires the amount of time that you want to spend on it: you can play hardcore and go for every TPE, or just login a couple times a week (maybe go for defense in this case)
But the most important thing would be, do not sign for Tijuana. Tijuana sucks.

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Bubba Twatford - 01-20-2020

I think the best thing to do for the both of us would be trying to understand exactly what they want to get from the NSFL.

Once we figure out if its for fun, for glory, to be the best position, or whatever the next thing to do is to explain the dedication and effort it would take to reach that goal. Realistically, being new to sim leagues it was hard to link exactly how successful you’d be versus the amount of effort needed.

Once we establish that foundation, moving on to the next step would be provide the rookie with options they can do, and where they can find success. Showing them the TPE tracker can help eliminate any options that are too populated, and highlight the roles most teams need.

After that, building a helpful link collection would be the next step and showing them useful tools the community has provided. After that I think walking them through how to update and claim step by step would be very beneficial. This is where the link collection would be handy because I personally can never remember where the calculator is or how to get there from browsing the forum.

Lastly, showing them all the TPE they can earn at the beginning is a big boost. I had to wonder through the forums to try and squeeze out as much as I could, so hopefully my rookie won’t have to go through the same thing.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - BRNXB0MBERS - 01-20-2020

Ahoy from Norfolk, 'n welcome t' th' newest crew o' pirates! We call ourselves th' Seawolves. Let me give ye a wee history 'n information about us, then we shall natter some football.

First, wha' sets th' Seawolves apart? O' course, we attack ships fer gold 'n other booty, but we also play football in our spare time. Although we spend most o' our time at sea, we dock our ship in Norfolk fer th' games.

Pirates 'ave existed since boats first came t' be. We 'ave been lootin' along tradin' routes from ancient Greece 'n Rome t' Europe in th' Middle Ages t' less developed areas o' th' world today. Do nah be fooled though: we be nah some evil force. We be jus' tryin' t' make a livin'.

Although our stadium 'n trainin' facilities are among th' best in th' league, our accommodations are nah so great. Our cap'n, ScorpXCracker, has his owns cabin, but th' rest o' us sleep under th' stars. If ye perform well enough on th' field, ye might be in line fer a hammock. 'tis worth it in th' end since we get t' travel th' globe 'n see places ye 'ave only dreamed o'.

'tis all business when we arrive in Norfolk. Do yer job 'n get yer TPE. Yer first time dockin' will earn ye some free loot t' tease yer appetite. Easy thin's like Activity Checks must be completed or ye will walk th' plank. Thar be plenty o' easy loot t' be had wit' Point Tasks. Finally, let us know more about yourself by writin' yer tale on th' inside o' th' hull.

So, are ye ready t' usher in th' second Golden Age o' piracy? Are ye up t' th' challenge? Are ye ready t' 'ave yer name listed among th' greats like Blackbeard, Henry Morgan, William 'Captain' Kidd, 'Calico' Jack Rackham, 'n Bartholomew Roberts? I shall answer th' rest o' yer riddles on board, matey. Welcome t' th' Wolves! NOR

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - terriblehippo - 01-20-2020

292 words

Quenton Bode was taught the value of a dollar at a very young age. When he signed his first professional contract, he knew how important it was to budget and save as much of that money as possible. What really shocked him about the league, however, was just how many other players in the league didn't know how to manage their money responsibly. So, when Bode got the opportunity to mentor one of the upcoming rookies, he decided that the most important lesson he could impart was the importance of managing one's finances.

The day started in a way that one might expect. Bode showed his rookie around the Second Line facilities and explained how and where to find the most important people and places: the weight room and the team doctor's office, for example. But after that tour was done, he took the rookie to one of the conference rooms and gave him a brief but in-depth lecture about how to manage money. "Soon you're gonna have a lot of money at your disposal," Bode told the rookie. "And you're gonna want to spend a lot of it, and that's okay. But you have to remember that you're not going to be able to play football forever, and that money could easily disappear. If you take steps now and are smart with that contract, you and your family can live comfortably for the rest of their lives."

Compared to some of the other rookie mentors, Bode's plans might not be the most exciting. But he feels confident that he used his time wisely, and that the his rookie is much better off for it--not just as a player, but as a person.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - MN_Moosey - 01-20-2020

From my understanding, being a rookie mentor is quite a challenge. With having such a large class there will be questions asked a hundred times over. The key is to be patient. When working 1 on 1 with a rookie, it’s important to make them feel comfortable and not like an outcast who doesn’t understand ever little nuance that the league has. For me, I would start by trying to talk with them in pms and work with them in the process of figuring out a position that would best suit them. Talking them through building a player and giving them the essential links such as the update calculator, rookie guide, and working with them on getting their update page set up properly are all things that need to happen right away. If they are having issues working through the site, I would help them with the pathfinding that comes with a forum setup. A lot of key information is hidden around in the site so getting them the links will be extremely beneficial. The final thing that I think needs to happen on the first day is getting them the links to activities that they can perform to gain TPE and get their player off to a great start. There will be tons of questions along the way and by the end of it all, I would hope to have made influence on a new player that would make them want to be active and enjoy what this league has to offer.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Starboy - 01-20-2020

Taking up the role of rookie mentor is something that as a somewhat ‘experienced’ player that I would think would be interesting to plan out. The first hurdle to get over with a new rookie is of course helping them through the creating process of not only getting their profile approved but getting their player page done and the update page. Those two things are huge and the single most important things when it comes to this league since it’s what helps show what team you are a part of in the forum. The next big thing that most rookies seem to forget it getting your player render in and trying to be unique with who you choose. I understand that the most exciting player in the NFL is Christian McCaffery but maybe picking another player could help make your player stand out? The next thing would be using that render to try getting a twitter page setup to get easy and quick money. After all, you could tweet just once a day to pretty much afford the best weekly training possible and help improve your name through the league. The final thing would be to run them through a crash course on getting TPE and updating your page. All the updaters would rejoice with an easy to check and easy to follow update page with the help of a rookie mentor.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - lewislewes - 01-20-2020

As a rookie mentor I would focus on developing the rookie I was assigned in many ways. First I would welcome him to the league and help him decide on his initial player build. This can be very stressful to some as new players often won’t know what makes for a good player in the sim. After this I would give the rookie a run down / tutorial on how to path around the forum as well as links to some of the area you would go to most often. I know I struggled for the first two or so weeks just pathing around on the website. This should include a list of weekly TPE/money tasks that come up as it would help the player judge the amount of effort is needed to be successful in the league. Once I figured it out for the most part, I felt much better about being in the league. Then the third super important topic would be to introduce them to each gm. I think developing a report with each gm prior to the draft will help the rookie see what good hands he will be in once he is drafted. These are the three things that would’ve helped me the most so I believe that they are what would help others the best.